Monday, May 17, 2010

The Untold Rewards of Meditation

          So much has been written about the benefits of meditation as a continual practice that I do not want to go over the same territory for the zillionth time.  Yes, it’s good for overcoming stress and for lowering blood pressure, and a few other health issues.  But it does much more than just those things.

          One item almost never mentioned about the practice of meditation is that it strengthens character and personality.  Old fears and hang-ups often fall away.  Some of these fears and hang-ups may disappear rather quickly, and others may take a while.  Also, you may gain insight into the marked traits and habits on which your personality operates.  For sure, you will notice changes in yourself for the better as time goes on.

          I want to add a caveat here before discussing other psychological changes that can occur when one meditates, which is that nothing stated in this article comes with a guarantee.  I do know that meditation exerts a tremendously beneficial influence on behavior, and usually some benefits are realized after a few weeks or a few months of the practice.  But, of course, I cannot guarantee anything, because everyone is different.  How it is going to affect you and how quickly that will happen is something no one else can control.

          One thing that meditation frequently accomplishes over a period of time is getting better in touch with one’s own feelings.  As a person connects more within him- or herself, s/he is more honest personally, and that projects outward, too, in how s/he relates to others.  An understanding and empathy concerning the feelings of others is greatly heightened.  It becomes difficult to act callously or indifferently to someone else’s pain or happiness.  Not that you can always do anything about alleviating anyone’s pain, but you are certainly much more sympathetic and understanding.

          Why is it beneficial to be able to identify with another’s feelings?  For one thing, it is very enriching.  Relationships grow deeper, better bonds are developed with others as you become more attuned to your own feelings and grow in emotional honesty.  Close relationships with significant others, spouses, and children smooth out and deepen, resulting in a richer, more meaningful emotional content.  Meditation can be a big help in resolving conflict issues, and when it comes to such issues, especially family conflicts, any degree of resolution is a huge step forward.

          Another side effect of meditating may be the development of psychic or paranormal abilities.  This certainly depends on the individual.  I had a friend some years ago who was also a meditator, and claimed that she frequently would see some of her past lives when meditating.  One past life in particular would frequently recur. 

          I have had visits from deceased relatives, and once experienced a very powerful visit with a former boyfriend who had committed suicide.  I learned from that experience that suicides do not have a pleasant time of it on the other side.  I also had contact with either a spirit guide or a guardian angel who twice told me his or her name.  Plus I had a few out of body experiences.

          But, here again, I want to stress that whether one becomes more psychic or travels back in time to past lives is dependent on the individual.  It is not so for everyone.  Also, it is certainly not any urgent benefit of meditating.  One can get along just fine in life without contacting the deceased or seeing past lives.

          A benefit that is worth achieving is realizing clear responses to prayers.  It is easier to pray as a meditator, and much easier to realize answers to those prayers.  The truth is the universe hears you even before you give voice to your prayer.  You will notice that your needs and desires are more often fulfilled.  That is because you are more in alignment with the deeper parts of your psyche.  And this just happens automatically as you continue meditating.

          Whatever type of meditation you choose to engage in, whether it utilizes a mantra or not, will be rewarding.  There are countless techniques out there these days.  You now can pick up almost any magazine and read about some meditative technique.  I would suggest you get into a technique you feel comfortable with, and one where you have someone who can guide you for a while at least.  Questions will arise, and that is why it is important to have someone or an organization that can be there for you.

          Although meditation is generally easy to do, nevertheless, many people worry about whether they are doing it right at the beginning, or else they fall off the track, so to speak, and are not practicing it properly.  For many people, having a teacher or guide is very important.

          One more item I wish to stress is that once you begin meditating, you stay with the practice.  It is really something that should become a lifelong habit, like brushing your teeth or your morning cup of coffee.  As you continue the practice, you will reap greater and greater rewards from it. 

          Actually, you will look forward everyday to that time when you can be all alone in the silence, and shut out this obstreperous world with all its troubles.  It truly feels like a breeze out of heaven!


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