Saturday, May 22, 2010

I think I saw a Ghost, what could it have been?

There are many possible explanations  for a 'Ghost sighting' . Fraudulent claims aside, let's look at some examples of what this can be.

Commonly , a Ghost sighting can be a result of ones imagination while intoxicated or influenced by seeing a scary movie etc.

Going a step further, apparitions can often be a product of your subconscious. The subconscious mind is extremely powerful and supplies the conscious mind with all of the information used to make decisions ( the function of the conscious mind ). Why would the subconscious make you think you see a 'ghost' ? Well , another major function of the subconscious is to protect us . It does this mostly by developing 'programs' ( much like a computer program) to deal with situations it has deemed dangerous or detrimental to us based on previous experience.  A very simple and unfortunately common example is with obese people who in my experience to date ( and that of all of the  Mental Health Professionals I have discussed this with so far...)  were all sexually abused as a child . Their subconscious has attributed the unwanted attention to being 'attractive', and the simplest way it perceives to make them 'unattractive' and therefore 'safe', is to become extremely overweight. Right or wrong, this is how the subconscious mind works. So until these poor souls are able to release the hidden pain and trauma of the abuse and the 'program', no amount of desire/dieting/exercise, will get the weight off.

With the above example understood, you can perhaps understand that the subconscious is very powerful at controlling  a persons perceptions of things. So let's say you are about to do something extremely dangerous and your subconscious is throwing all sorts of warnings at you and you are ignoring them. It is entirely conceivable that in a given situation, it could produce an image to 'scare' you into a different course of action to remove you from the danger.

Going beyond that, there ARE apparitions that are not imagination, and not the subconscious, but are of Paranormal origin and are very real. To determine whether they are genuine or not is the subject for investigation. These can be loosely grouped into visual apparitions, those in photographs, and those seen in ones 'minds eye'. Beyond that there also different types , which is something I would go into detail with a client if it was deemed necessary.

This has just been a brief overview, but one which I hope has shed some light on a very misunderstood topic.


Anthony Cox.

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