Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Beyond Knowing : Into Being

Way too many people are FEELING that something is afoot: something is on the way and is partially here already. Can we get a witness (independent), signed documentary evidence, and the elimination of the occasional accident? In other words can we VERIFY what's being FELT? Is there scientific and sensory repeatable verification of this FEELING or must we place it in the "paranormal pantry" and move on? 

Some ten years ago, I became interested in what was known as Y2k. I followed it closely and took counsel from people like Gary North who we IN on computer mechanics, etc. In the two years leading up to Y2k, I went from seeing it as a SIX (on a scale of ten), down to a THREE ninety days out. I was in an arena I knew little about and had basically no FEEL for the event.

The concept that's capturing people's attention with the numbers 12.21.2012 is something I do know much about and it is definitely something I FEEL: literally!.

I do not SEE nor FEEL that 2012 is the end of the world; however, I do FEEL that we are in a window (1987-2017) wherein we're passing through a galactic crossing while simultaneously experiencing here on earth an exponential rise in consciousness that is going to forever change LIFE on terra nova. And, that's a very good thing. Yes, there very well could be some bad stuff (the list is voluminous and I've written about them ad nauseum), but without being an Indigo sibling or Star child, one should FEEL the change.

As Francis Hitchings wrote, "How is it that some people perceive hidden things? Deep within our consciousness, something uncontrollably mysterious seems to be going on. We call it paranormal, or psi, and it has tantalized, challenged, and ultimately baffled the finest scholars of the world."  Yes, SOMETHING is going on that for those that will take a little time out to just BE, they will KNOW it. More importantly, it will BE us and therein is a key. We are going back to the Source of our Being: knowingly or not.

It has to come to that! Otherwise, we're toast!  :-)

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