Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Developing your ESP Skills IS Now Easier Than Ever!

If there ever was a “skill�? or ability that could be enhanced through self-hypnosis and specifically, Binaural Beats, then ESP is it!  Do you want to develop your Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)? Perhaps you want to tap into other “paranormal�? abilities such as remote viewing, clairvoyance, or telepathy?

The Unexplainable Store really specializes in just this type of program.  After years of research, scientists discovered that people with enhanced ESP are operating in a Theta brainwave pattern that can be induced by listening to frequencies that fall in the range of 5-12 HZ – considered the “ESP frequency�?.  This is a very low tone that most humans cannot hear.  That is, until Binaural Beat technology was discovered!

What researchers learned is that by introducing a certain tone in one ear, and a different tone into the other ear, the human brain has an amazing ability to merge the two tones into a unique third tone, and this tone is “audible�? at a level below the threshold of our hearing.  In other words, the ear never hears this tone, but the brain creates it, and when the brain creates it, if listened to for long enough it will start shifting brainwave patterns into the Theta state.  And this is the state where ESP abilities suddenly come alive. Binaural beats unlock this “ESP frequency�? so that anyone could develop their extra-sensory abilities.

What this means to you is that you don’t have to spend years training yourself to have an enhanced “sixth sense�? or ESP, you only need to listen to the right binaural beat tones, and then relax as the tones work their magic .  This recording series also includes hypnotic suggestions to program your brain to unlock the portions of the brain that are active in people with well developed ESP, but that are dormant for most of the rest of us.

This program, downloadable as MP3 recordings are the simplest, yet most effective way ever discovered to enhance your paranormal abilities, specifically the phenomenon known as ESP. Click here to learn more about binaural beats and this very affordable program to help you almost instantly expand your sense of ESP!

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