Sunday, February 28, 2010

Download Paranormal Activity Full Movie Online

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This is the time of year when, in temperate climes, leaves riot with color, breezes take on the scent of decay, and all the cultures that celebrate All Hallows Eve prepare for the year’s first nod to the holiday season. Scary movies are a serious draw when temperatures drop and leaves start to fall—and since the only other horror film released this month has been the sixth movie in the Saw franchise (just get it over with already!), Paranormal Activity will certainly make bank at the box office this weekend. Unfortunately, it is not the kind of catharsis many look for in a horror movie, nor is it remotely as interesting as its predecessors in the home-video-horror genre. In fact, it’s downright disappointing.

When The Blair Witch Project released in 1999, half of audiences believed they were actually watching footage chronicling the last days of three student filmmakers. That film fell at precisely the correct moment in recent history for that kind of guerrilla filmmaking. Amateurish as it may have been, it preceded the communications technology with which we’re all inundated each day, each hour, each second. It seemed possible that the movie could be real because the marketing relied solely on spare, spooky trailers and an intriguingly vague website. Ten years later, Paranormal Activity tries to exploit the same shaky-cam, night-vision film—and fails.

Paranormal Activity follows a young San Diego couple (Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat) through a month in Fall 2006 in which they strive to capture the presence that’s haunting their suburban home. The premise is simple: grad student Katie has sensed a supernatural force around her since the age of eight, and boyfriend Micah, a day trader who looks and acts like a frat boy, takes the haunting personally and decides to try to capture it with a video camera. Camera phones, the social media of Twitter and Facebook, and easy access to the kind of cinematic technology that used to be found only in Hollywood and college classrooms, have seemingly compelled us all to keep the world informed of every aspect of our personal lives. So of course the film industry wants to capitalize on the overshare.

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The film falls short by arranging a regrettably thin layer of spooky occurrences beneath a thicker deposit of badly acted exposition and obnoxious characters. The couple and all secondary characters are total unknowns, which fits with the idea that audiences are privy to the lives of everyday citizens. The problem lies in the movie’s inability to create believable tension. The night-vision camera, which Micah sets up in their bedroom, captures one paranormal happening after another, but the tension isn’t enough to keep the plot moving. In Blair Witch, the characters began to use their cameras as buffers between themselves and the horror confronting them nightly; in that film the behavior makes perfect sense. You try to escape what you can’t believe or categorize. Paranormal Activity’s Micah, however, is simply the ultimate narcissist. He says multiple times that no one messes with his girlfriend and his house and gets away with it. He treats the subject with an appropriate amount of disdain and disbelief, borrowing a Ouija board and regarding the psychic Katie calls with utter contempt. As things progress he gradually becomes a believer while Katie descends into mentally unstable territory.

The movie touches briefly on theology—according to the resident psychic, the malevolent force responsible for slamming doors and amphibian nighttime footprints is no ghost, but an angry demon. The film only provides the audience with a fleeting nod to evil forces whose mythology should be utterly terrifying. Micah finds an article online telling the story of a “woman from the 60s�? whose haunting bears a striking resemblance to Katie’s, but not enough information is conveyed to create adequate apprehension. There are a few genuinely spooky moments and one particularly jarring instant (which for some reason the filmmakers included in the trailer). But ultimately the film never lives up to the kind of tension it’s supposed to create, and the end is a cringing nod to every other movie in this subgenre.

The marketing campaign for this film is pure genius; the internet has been abuzz with reviews touting it as the scariest movie of the year. Frankly (and luckily for the filmmakers), 2009 has been a meager year in the realm of horror. The filmmakers strove to capitalize on the phenomenon created by The Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield. Unfortunately, although the dollars will undoubtedly roll in for all involved, this movie fails to live up to its more worthy predecessors. For a good home-movie scare this Halloween, rent the utterly terrifying [REC] or its American remake, Quarantine. Watch Blair Witch again (at the very least, its foreboding Maryland woods set the scene for autumn). Although Paranormal Activity may tweak some viewers’ nerves, don’t go into it hoping for the most terrifying movie you’ve ever seen, lest you leave feeling duped..

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Evidence" of the Paranormal and Ghosts

by Bobby Elgee, Sights Unseen Paranormal

Ghost hunting is not a science. Out of all the individuals and/or groups of ghost hunters in existence, very, very few actually have any experience with the scientific method or have any experience actually conducting experimental research.

Still, many groups will tell you that they have photos and audio of what are spirits; evidence of ghosts. As far as I am aware, there is no scientific evidence of the existence of ghosts or an afterlife. That is a question of faith at this point in time. If somebody knows something I don't, please let me know!

As the member of a group whose members actually have some background conducting scientific research, I realize that ghost hunting doesn't lend itself to a well-controlled scientific experiment. The methodologies are weak, the equipment used was never originally designed to detect ghosts, and it is nearly impossible to replicate the results.

Even more perturbing is the fact that certain groups are damaging the credibility of legitimate and accomplished paranormal researchers and parapsychologists by posting photographs that are easily dismissed as well-known and easily identifiable camera malfunctions and other artifacts of the photographic process.

Capturing a photograph of an orb or strange mist is just that. A photograph of a strange orb or mist. Competent paranormal investigators will attempt to rule out the it a reflection? Is it a bug? Is it dust? Is it condensation on the lens of the camera? Is it a problem with the developing and/or printing process? The logical possibilities are nearly endless, and yet, certain people will make a claim that "it's a spirit orb," or that the mist is representative of "the paranormal energy of the ghost that haunts the" location.

We try and look at our "evidence" with a critical eye, and include the use of accomplished photo consultants in an attempt to rule out all rational explanations. What we can't explain means simply that, we can't explain it. If we've done a good job ruling out everything, we may just be left with something paranormal.

Remember that the word 'paranormal' simply means 'not scientifically explainable.'

That's it. To take the next step and call a possibly paranormal photograph a picture of a ghost is a leap of faith that I, personally, can't swallow. A person can certainly make that statement, but at that point it becomes an opinion, a statement based on belief and faith. I mean, it just as well could be a picture of a 1957 Chevy or Fred Flintstone. At that point, I can choose what I believe. There's simply no evidence backing it up.

Our group members have varying beliefs. There is one thing we all agree with however....we're never going to call a picture of a camera strap a "vortex through which spirits can enter our material realm" or a photograph of an orb "a spirit orb which shows a ghost trying to manifest itself."

This is simply too big a stretch of illogical rationalization in our minds.

I've been a member of a group where, to be a member, you had to believe in ghosts! We've also had members in this group to whom every cold draft, every sound, and every strange photograph was a ghost, regardless of whether the phenomena was debunked or not.

We like to have fun, and our belief's evolve everyday, but we feel that we have to be careful and measured in our response to what we call 'evidence.' 99% of the pictures we post on our Web site don't contain anything paranormal. Capturing actual paranormal activity in photographs is quite rare. Also, the majority of EVPs can be debunked or certainly explained away by skeptics as something other then the voices of dead people. We post things of interest and for entertainment, but you won't catch us calling something a ghost. To be quite honest, there are only two or three pieces of "evidence" I have captured over the years that I can say with near certainty are paranormal--unexplainable by conventional science.

As far as myself, I can definitely say I've experienced paranormal phenomena, phenomena that is unexplainable by science. As to what caused this phenomena, well, I can't say. It's simply unexplainable in my mind.

This is a hobby for us, and we like to have fun with it, and we don't take ourselves too seriously, but, at the same point, however, in the spirit of transparency, we feel we have an obligation to call a spade a spade.

Sights Unseen Paranormal

Friday, February 26, 2010

The paranormal, and yoga

When I was nineteen years old I developed an interest in the paranormal, though not yet Yoga. I was then doing some research in the area of out of body experiences, and at that time I did experience what is commonly known as the classic out of body experience! (Somewhat of a paranormal experience, I would go on to have many more of them over the next ten years of my life!)In my early twenties I further developed my interest in the paranormal, Yoga, Psychology, and the Human Sciences. I developed an especial interest in the paranormal, Yoga, ghosts, and later the occult sciences. I was curious as to the reality of the paranormal, Yoga, spirits, spells, and magickal powers! I went on to study in the paranormal, and most all of the Western Traditions of Ritual and Ceremonial Magick, Enlightenment, Mysticism, Religion, Eastern philosophies (including Yoga), and other so called paranormal and ancient philosophies and practices, including Wicca, and/or witchcraft. Yes, even Voodoo was on my list of studies! Still, I was a paranormal expert at heart, and a devotee in terms of Yoga, and Magick! I then and still maintain a genuine curiosity and/or fascination for the paranormal, and as to the reality of these so called unexplained phenomenon!

I was practicing Yoga, and I was a member at one time or another of several different organizations such as the A.M.O.R.C., the A.A., and even O.T.O.! In continuance of my paranormal studies, I wrote to and was answered by several different popular writers of the time on the paranormal, Yoga, occult subjects; writers such as Donald Michael Kraig, Ted Andrews, and Gerald and Betty Schueler. I also pursued a degree in Psychology (with an aim towards the paranormal) so that I could eventually work in either the field of paranormal studies, Psychotherapy, and even Parapsychology! Aside from my interests in the paranormal, and Yoga, my interest in ghosts came about while I was even younger - sometime before my interests in the paranormal and Yoga came about. My interests in ghosts phased out as my interests turned more towards the paranormal, Yoga, and the Divine Mysteries, God, Religion, the Occult, Magick, and other documented human and spiritual powers. My conclusions, at that time, as regards ghosts was that it was at least possible for the human soul to remain here after death, in some visible form, and either haunt or communicate with us as all as good ghosts do!!! My research into the paranormal and other certain occult practices, including Yoga, meditation, and human and spiritual development, proved to be far more interesting!

Nowadays, aside from the paranormal and Yoga, I am somewhat convinced as to the reality of certain occult practices, and to things like Astrology, Tarot Card reading, and other forms of divination. In accordance with paranormal scientific applications, my feeling is that people do get trapped in one form or another upon their death! Sometimes paranormal disturbances are better explained in terms of the mind itself - hallucinations, temporary delusions, schizophrenia, etc. Some of the better paranormal and occult literature I have read refer to ghosts as being shells of the dead - i.e., a leftover energy form of some sort that does not possess consciousness in itself! Not sure about this...ghosts seem to act consciously and maintain human like attributes. Even Yoga has some things to say on this subject. To this day, no one really knows for sure!


Of course, such a question as to the reality of the paranormal, Yoga, and ghosts also brings up also the whole subject of the afterlife itself. In terms of the paranormal, that has all proven to be improvable, thus far. The only thing we have to go on as regards ghosts are the photos and videos that people manage to capture. Often, in terms of paranormal investigation, this is going on a person's word, and what paranormal investigators manage to capture and collect themselves. Though the approach of paranormal investigators is scientific, this whole subject has thus far eluded all of us well enough to amount to any sort of proof as to the reality of ghosts and/or spirits, the paranormal, and even the so called attainable powers of Yoga.

How come is it that there is still so much controversy on the subject of the paranormal, and as to the powers of Yoga? That is because the proof has not yet convinced us all! Paranormal phenomenon is something that has been reported for thousands of years, and even Yoga has been around that long. Even with all of the footage and writings out there, no one is still really sure? Still, I, like many paranormal experts and others out there, long for an explainable answer to the often eerie images we see in pictures and video footage of ghosts.

Things like God, the Devil, the paranormal, and Yoga, and everything in between, has fascinated me for a long time. How about Tarot Cards, and who is Aleister Crowley? READ ON...let me share with you some of my own adventures into the world of the paranormal, Magick, Mysticism, Yoga, Enlightenment, and Aleister Crowley; take a step into the real world of Astrology, the Tarot, Magick, and Much, Much More!!!

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Woo-Woo Writing - Exploring The Paranormal In Erotic Romance

My next book, Take Me There is an erotic ghost story. It is scheduled for release in November 2007. This is the description from the back cover:

Imagine the man of your dreams reaching out to you in the night...from across centuries. And he isn't the only one. In this daring choose-your-own-adventure novel from the author of Sins and Secrets, hungry lovers separated by time and space come together to find physical passion in unearthly ways...

Can one woman love two men? Journalist Presley Knowles is about to find out the answer to that very sensual question. Her sex drive zooms into the red zone after a near-death experience in a car accident - and between Dr. Daniel Hanson, the young doctor who saved her, and Vadim, a ghostly lover from another time, she's about to experience the ultimate in physical pleasure. Wild and willing as she wants to be, Presley gets to explore all of her wickedest sensual fantasies when both lovers share her bed...

Woo-woo is not new to me. I have been a long time student of metaphysics and spirituality. My personal library of woo-woo books is extensive. The idea of weaving my background of paranormal study into an erotic romance seemed far fetched, until I happened upon a rerun of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. I'm not talking about the television series. It is the 1947 movie with Rex Harrison as Captain Gregg and Gene Tierney as Mrs. Muir that rang my chimes. It is a remarkable love story.

When I watched that film, I got completely caught up in the story, and in the possibilities. I took the inspiration from that movie and stirred it into a pot with all the information I've picked up over the years. What emerged has become Take Me There.

The study of metaphysics has been a hobby of mine for many years. My interest began when I had what are best described as psychic experiences. Being a rational and reasonable person, I figured I must have popped my cookies. These things don't happen to sane people, I told myself. Well, guess what! They sure do.

The simplest way to explain what happens is that I see pictures in my head. Except for one time, it's nothing really extreme. I can find lost things in my home, like keys, missing socks or jewelry. It's not that I look for them. I see where they are in my mind, go look in the place I see, and there is the missing item. The most notable exception is the time I located a missing life insurance policy for a friend. Her husband had just passed away, and her family could not find the policy. I found it in the way I just described.

There is also a problem I have with small electrical appliances. I keep a supply of light bulbs on hand, because I frequently blow them out. I have also burned out several hair dryers and a vacuum cleaner. I have learned not to let such things throw me, although I admit, sometimes it gets a tad bizarre. I forgot to mention, I have also intuited passwords on occasion, which really freaked people out.

In order to understand the weird phenomena that seemed to follow me around, I studied. I read everything from Edgar Cayce, to Jane Roberts, to Alice Baily. Included in the many areas I studied were reincarnation, near-death experiences, channeling and mediumship. Certainly, I used personal discernment to separate the wheat from the chaff, classic metaphysics from. well, let's just say, things that didn't resonate with me.

My studies took an unusual turn when I entered an Interfaith Seminary in the early 90's. I studied much more, and ultimately became an ordained Interfaith Minister. I have performed weddings and funerals. And, I have raised more than a few eyebrows when people find out I am ordained AND I write erotic romance.

I never expected to write a book where I could use any of this information. The personal need to understand is all I thought about while doing this research and attending seminary. But once again, fate intervened. When I proposed the idea for Take Me There to my editor, she bought it!

The synchronicity and dovetailing it took to combine my metaphysical and spiritual background with my erotic romance writing blew me away! Take Me There is certainly hot erotic romance, but the backdrop of woo-woo is solid. It goes to show, you just never know how things are going to come together in unexpected ways. As they say, what goes around comes around.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Know the Shocking Unexplained Mysteries as Well as Paranormal Incidences at Profiling the Unexplained


Humans are no doubt the most important creation of God. They are known for their intelligence and are regarded as the one who are in a position to do anything they want. It is often considered that nothing is impossible for humans. Humans are no doubt the most powerful creations who are capable to even destroy the whole world. Thus it looks like they are in a position to control everything but is it true?


Generally it be termed as true, but there are several unexplained mysteries as well as the paranormal incidences that make this sentence false.


History is said to have covered several things in its heart. There are several unexplained mysteries that compel one to believe that there is something even more powerful than humans.


There are several paranormal incidences that are enough to make one think about the life that is not visible in the eyes of normal man. The site by name of Profiling the Unexplained is created with a purpose to throw light on the other world.  The purpose of its creation is to make one familiar about the topics of the paranormal as well as the unexplained mysteries.


There are several pages included in the site from where you can have the interesting information on several aspects that are paranormal as well as you can also have information on UFO’s as well as on unexplained mysteries and worth to mention several cases.


There are several incidences mentioned that are enough to make you bite your nails. The best part is that there are not just stories rather they are the incidences that carry some sort of proof with them. If you are interested in knowing about the unsolved crime cases, then too it is the perfect site meant for you. In order to increase the interest of the user, the site is built so as to include the cases or things not just from one place or country rather from all over the world.


It is a fact that internet is an ocean so there are abundant of materials related to the matter available on it just like what is published in the site. Then what is so important in this site?


The answer to this question is that this site is itself an ocean for the information and incidences related to unexplained mysteries as well as the paranormal incidences. In addition it contains the incidences that have some evidences associated with them for example the Unexplained Mysteries of the Miracles of Lourdes is there on the site with full description as well as the story. In order to add importance of the incidence even the facts are included so as to make the incident as real as possible.


Unlike other sites, where the motive is just to put any content and attract visitors this site is produced in order to make people truly aware of the cases that happened in the past and that have some sort of importance associated with them. There are several posts, articles as well as forums so as to have enormous views on the topic.


With the help of forums it is easy to have thousands of views on the topic so as to judge the relevance of the post. In addition, there is also facility of live chat available with the site so as to make one know the query for every doubt.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hauntings: a Paranormal Perspective

If we searched for the meaning of paranormal we would find reference to psychic sense, telekinesis, Near death experiences, and many others. Paranormal basically means that which stretches beyond our normal realm of understanding. It is a phenomena that can not be classified with any scientific methods nor has clear cut answers that can be logically concluded.

In the class of paranormal or super natural comes the term of haunting. The term instantly draws up images of “ghosts�? . Long stereo typed as a passed soul so unsettled they wander the earth in sheets or chains bellowing boo at every living person they came into contact with. The ideas of ghost or haunting has matured over time and moved past a lot of these stereo typical images , although still very much misunderstood, an openness has invented a need to further explore this realm of the Haunted.

There are several classifications of hauntings that most commonly known ghostly like disturbances fall under. They are in no means the infinite answers, as paranormal itself is still something that holds not any proven answer as it is defined. So we need to keep ourselves open to not having all the answers. I am going to give a brief overview of the currently common known types of hauntings, and how they manifest.

1. Residual energy or memory hauntings.

These types of hauntings appear to be repeats of events, memories that seem to be carried out in an almost scripted type reaction. Like playing a movie over and over again. This type of haunting usually involves a repeat of the same type of activity on a regular basis. The most common type of haunting, does not usually involve an actual spirit or ghost. It is believed to be energy from some type of event, usually significant in ones life that becomes imbedded in its surroundings of that time. Perhaps tragedy or even that of great joy can become so strong in its energy that it builds a “life�? of its own. Like a tape player the event plays out over and over again.

2. Human or intelligent haunting

I use human loosely as this can also involve any once living creature. These types of hauntings are able to show some sort of communication in real time. It is believed to be a spirit or intelligence that is still aware of what is going on in the current surroundings and time. They often make responses to communication, or disruptions in their environment. Some classify this type of haunt as uncrossed spirit, or trapped. I would not make an assumption that this is always the case. Some records of ghostly intelligent hauntings have shown to be a communication of some type of warning or a message of hope to those left behind. Like the use of a medium in relaying that message, not all intelligent classified hauntings are seeking our help, they may be their to try to help. In terms for our topic though, these actual intelligent hauntings you would find to be able to communicate in some form and not sticking to one particular routine as in a residual haunting.

3. Poltergeist or noisy ghost

These types of haunting seem to lead more to the belief that they are either an attachment to a living being or an actual manifestation by a living being. In most cases of poltergeist activity objects move, and things are disturbed in a focus around a particular individual. The common ingredient is usually an adolescent, female is the most the most common. Some link this type of paranormal phenomena to the mind of a disturbed living being, either suffering from depression, rage or even possibly abuse. Another angle on this leads to the next type of haunting as a entity or ghost may attach to somebody fitting this criteria as a means of feeding off their energy or using it to aid in their own manifestations.

4. Inhuman or “demonic�? haunting

I will touch this type of haunting from an outward pre defined perspective , I do not fully agree or disagree with the way this is described or referred. In general terms of haunting , as something that disturbs or disrupts the “norm�? this type of haunting is classified as primarily malevolent. Like an intelligent haunting, this haunting involves the presence of something with intelligence but the difference is in the belief that this type of intelligence has never been in human form. Often associated with things that are summoned, as with a Ouija board or other dimensional tool, this type of haunting usually begins as harmless play and grows increasingly more frightful. It is believed this inhuman entity is usually angry, or holds hatred for human life, and seeks to cause harm , physically and emotionally through fear. These types of hauntings can appear as some class as a demonic form, resembling a “devil�?. They can link to such things as the ideas of possession.

5. Nature Spirits

This may or not be felt it belongs in hauntings at all but I think it is a part that is rarely addressed and needs to be looked at. Nature spirits like the last type, are not what is classed as ever being human. A highly intelligent haunting that is rarely seen and little known about. Nature spirits fit’s a wide range of beings looked at as something from a fairytale or a child’s imagination. In the case of haunting again as a frightful type happening, these nature spirits are usually associated with a particular area as a form of guardian or caretaker. They seem to dwell in certain places frightening those who try to enter their “sacred�? spaces. This is a general classification, as sometimes these nature spirits depending on their type may fit as well in the inhuman type haunting and attach for no known reason or origin to certain place, person at any given time. However in most cases the presence of a natural spirit is linked to a place having some type of historical or sacred significance in common folklore. Common types of nature spirits include, fairies, sylphs, elves, gnomes and even trolls to name just a few.

There are probably more classifications out there that can be parts of these types of hauntings or separate all on their own. This is in general how hauntings are classed. In perspective, as a sensitive, this may not be how I see everything or have experienced. I do hope it opens a door for communication and perhaps a deeper research independantly or jointly with groups.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Know the Shocking Unexplained Mysteries as Well as Paranormal Incidences at Profiling the Unexplained


As we all know that human beings are the most vital creation of God. They have the best intelligence in all living things and are considered as the one who are capable of doing anything. They are the most powerful creations on earth and rule the earth in almost all aspects. Thus it can be said that they can control everything with their intelligence but is it really right?


One cannot say that they can control everything as there are several paranormal incidences and various hauntings unsolved mysteries which prove this sentence wrong.


Several stories are still hidden in the heart of history. There are many hauntings unsolved mysteries which prove that there is something around us which is even more powerful than human beings. Several paranormal incidences took place in front of many people which compel us to believe that something invisible is there which is dominant and prevailing.


This online site has been given a name of ‘profiling the unexplained’ with a purpose to uncover several hidden secrets of the unknown world. The main reason of creating this online site is to make people familiar to several paranormal incidences and many hauntings unsolved mysteries.


This site contains several pages from which you can gain several information and knowledge on various aspects like paranormal incidences, information regarding UFO’s, various hauntings unsolved mysteries and several other hidden secrets which are not known to the world.


The incidences mentioned in these sites are true and will compel you to believe in the invisible world. The incidences mentioned on various pages of this site are not just stories; rather they contain some proof with them. This site can also provide you true unsolved crime cases. This site is very beneficial for the internet users as it include the cases or mysteries from all over the world and is not restricted to any one state or country.


You may question that internet is just like an ocean in which one can find several cases hidden mysteries and paranormal incidences then why should we opt for this particular site?


Your question is absolutely right but the answer to this question is that, this site is an ocean in itself for gaining information and knowledge about several paranormal incidences and different hauntings unsolved mysteries. Some facts are also included with the incidences so as to make it more real. This site also contains some evidences which work as a proof that all the incidences are true and not a single sentence is imagined by any human being.


This site is very much different from other online sites which just put any content to attract the net users. The motive of this online site is to uncover many hauntings unsolved mysteries and several paranormal incidences and to help people in knowing the truth of the invisible world. This site also provides several articles, posts and forums so that people can write their views on any particular incidence or topic.


These forums help the net users in writing enormous views on any topic so that other can easily judge the significance and truth of that particular topic. This site also facilitates the people with live chat so as to clear any doubts regarding any incidence or topic.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Basics of Paranormal Investigation

The word paranormal comes from the words "para" meaning beyond, and normal. So the term paranormal really means something that is beyond the normal scope of science or being beyond a scientific explanation. According to the Journal of Parapsychology, the term paranormal describes "any phenomenon that in one or more respects exceeds the limits of what is deemed physically possible according to current scientific assumptions."

Ghosts generate strong electro-magnetic fields. These fields cause disruptions in the magnetic field of a location which makes it detectable by both specialized equipment and psychics. Ghost hunters use many different types of equipment to detect an paranormal phenomena. A 35mm or digital camera is probably the easiest and least expensive way to begin. Pictures, whether digital or recorded on film have the ability to capture paranormal activity that is usually invisible to the naked eye. In addition to a camera, it's important to have a flashlight since most paranormal investigations will be in dark places like cemeteries, basements, attics, or old buildings. Also, most investigations occur between 9pm and 6am when it's dark. This is believed to be the best time to record paranormal activity. Along with the flashlight you'll need extra batteries, since batteries will sometimes mysteriously lost all their charge during paranormal investigations, literally leaving you in the dark.

Once you have these basic items, you're ready to start exploring the world of paranormal investigation. Some important things to remember are: never go on an investigation alone, and be respectful of the of the people, places and situations you encounter.

The first step in an investigation is selecting the place you're going to investigate. Once you choose a location, be sure to get permission to access the property to ensure you won't get into any trouble for trespassing. It's also very important to do some research on the location before you go out and physically investigate it. You can go to the library and look up old newspapers, visit the local historical society to find out about the history of the place and if anything strange has happened there, and of course talk with the owner of the property.

Once you get all your data collected you have to analyze it. Every picture, video, audio recording is reviewed to look for any sign of a haunting. When doing your analysis, be sure to be skeptical. Make sure you rule out any explainable causes for anything odd that may show up. Check for mirrors, shadows, light sources or anything else that may cause something weird to be seen or heard in your collected data. Most of the time, the things you initially detected during your investigation will have real world explanations as opposed to supernatural ones. It's important to make sure your evidence will stand up to any scrutiny by eliminating any other explanations. This will give your data more credibility.

Once you complete your analysis, you need to present your findings property owner. At this point you would recommend whether the owner needs to seek additional help, such a having the property blessed or if there is really nothing that needs to be or even can be done. Sometimes just having someone investigate the place and find nothing can help ease the mind of the person experiencing the haunting.

What You Don't Know About Ghosts - the Need for Para Ethics Among Paranormal Investigators and Ghost Busters

Warning: Please do not read this article if you have recently lost a loved one. The content below is based on paranormal experience, evidence and research and is not the belief of all paranormal investigators. The content below can be disturbing.

Para Ethics

“Ghosts�? or Spirits are made up of unstable atomic nuclei which loses energy, can decay, when exposed to radiation in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves. Allowing excessive electrical equipment near active sites during paranormal investigations can affect spirits in a harmful way.

  • It is unethical to allow excessive electrical equipment near an active paranormal site including electrical equipment for paranormal research and household electronics.

  • It is unethical to transport spirits from an active site unless they pose a threat.

  • It is ethical to locate a professional to help a spirit crossover.

Conscious and Alive

A spirit is a being that did not crossover shortly after the death of the physical mind and body. Reasons why the being did not crossover vary including confusion, duty, revenge or fear. Whether they may have been “good�? or “evil�? human beings during their physical lifetime is irrelevant because they were still Human beings.

While paranormal based laws and ethics can not be upheld with our current limited understanding and interaction with the spirits of the deceased, educating those who may or may not ever experience a paranormal event on the laws and ethics that should be upheld, when dealing with the living spirits of deceased physical beings, can prevent unnecessary suffering.

Why Para Ethics and Laws are Crucial

Those who do not crossover due to the fear of the unknown wander this world lost, depressed, sometimes angry, filled with regret or fearful of their chosen unknown. Some spirits may have turned down a passing to the other side due to a need or feeling of obligated duty to family or friends. Some spirits may deny their death or never realize their death at all leaving them confused or uncooperative. There are many reasons why a spirit does not crossover, but there are just as many reasons why they should have.

What would you expect in a world of living spirits with no law or order, with mixed personalities, those lacking in morals and those left vulnerable because of their morals. Spirits roam lost, uncertain of purpose or direction, unacknowledged by loved ones, scared, bitter and with no one to protect them.

Spirits are not only vulnerable to other entities, but to their atmosphere or rather the invisible world around them. Spirits are energy based, and living, and like all living beings they are seemingly mortal because the requirement for eternal life resides on the other side leaving spirits here low energy, weak, vulnerable and unstable.

As their deterioration advances the spirit become less and less capable of organizing thought, emotion, sensation and so forth until the deterioration is so highly developed that thought is rare, emotions are erratic and sensation is limited to the feelings associated with a slow, frightening bereavement. Eventually the soul is at rest when no energy remains to give the spirit its individuality and it once again becomes a part of the grand architecture of nature.

How You Effect Spirits

The antagonist that wears down a spirit most is radiation and everything emits radiation, even you. The exposure of radiation, magnitude and time exposed, determines the level of deterioration or decay of the spirit. Some forms of radiation that can affect a spirit include: (1) The human body has a small amount of naturally radioactive potassium. (2) Homes made out of stone, brick and adobe due to a small amount of natural radioisotopes. (3) Smoking results in a great deal of radiation because the tobacco leaf collects long-lived isotopes of air-born radon, like lead-210 and plutonium. (4) Natural and artificial light results in a great deal of radiation due to protons and electromagnetic waves etc. (5) Heat. (6) Any and all electronics such as televisions, computers, microwaves, radios and cell phones.

Spirits at risk of advanced decay tend to stay in cool (to avoid heat radiation), dark (to avoid light radiation) and humid (to avoid static electricity and other potential electrical antagonists) spaces. This results in basements and under-maintenance or abandoned buildings to be the ideal place for a decaying spirit retreat. Spirits of many types can cause “cold spots,�? but cold spots are not a determinate of paranormal activity as cold spots can be caused by natural temperature variances such humidity.

Types of Spirits

General Presence - When a spirit may reside in a space, but does not have the effect of a haunting. General presence spirits tend to cause hair to stand up, shivering or slight chills and rare auditory events. Spirits of this type can occasionally move objects, but only inches. This type of spirit can be annoying at times, but is rarely every a threat of any kind. This can be a spirit with little to no rate of decay to a spirit with advanced decay. It is considered by Para Ethics to be unethical to exorcise this type of spirit as the spirit is non-threatening and removing the spirit from its current location can cause the further decay of the spirit.

Apparitions - A spirit that has been lost for a great deal of time that has deteriorated and only knows the difference between light and dark, can feel pain and express emotion. This is a type of spirit that even a medium can not speak with due to the spirits inability to function to such a degree. It is highly unethical to exorcise this type of spirit as relocation can result in the destruction of the spirit as they are vulnerable to almost all forms of radiation including sunlight and heat. This type of spirit is most commonly found in dark, cool and humid spaces.

Anniversary or Resident Spirits - Spirits who only appear on certain dates of the year or have been resident of a specific space for more then two generations. These spirits are traditionally non-threatening and therefore it is considered unethical to exorcise them unless they have proven to be a threat by causing a great deal of disturbances.

Haunting Presence - A genuine haunting consists of mild to heightened auditory events, psychokinetic events (where the spirit moves and throws objects, turns on electronics, shorts out electronics, cause fires, pushes or strikes a living person or cause heightened behavior modification/manipulation of those residing or visiting the space etc.). These hauntings can be the cause of a single spirit, several spirits or a poltergeist. It is not considered to be unethical to exorcise these types of spirits. In the case of a poltergeist, a demonic presence may be involved. As a result of this poltergeists should only be exorcised by a professional well versed in the paranormal and demonology.

Poltergeists - Demonic Presences - Poltergeists can be the result of several weakened spirits trapped in a location that contained a demonic presence prior to becoming trapped or after the fact. In this case the spirits individuality, that which separates one spirit of energy from another, may or may not have been decayed by the demonic presence and the accumulation or individual spirits are strengthened through demonic means causing extremely heightened psychokinetic events and full visual manifestations etc. This strengthening does not allow spirits to escape the trap because it results in the emotional, "mental" and atomic instability of the spirit ensuing confusion and erratic and violent behavior. Typically these locations are places that have a traumatic or horrifying history including horrific murders.


The average lifespan of a spirit that did not crossover following the death of its physical body varies due to: (1) The age of the deceased body, as the energy of the spirit weakens over the lifespan of the physical life. (2) The amount of exposure to antagonists throughout the life of the spirit.

The longest estimated lifespan of a spirit is roughly four-hundred years. The average lifespan of a spirit is estimated at two-hundred years. Sites and spaces with paranormal activity predating four-hundred years are typically a result of residue memories of decayed spirits, new spirits drawn to the area because it is and ideal retreat or the site may have an active poltergeist tied to a demonic presence in which case the demonic presence prolongs the essence of the spirits, but not their individuality.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Paranormal Activity: Why an Open Mind Can Make You Stronger

For centuries people have been fascinated yet equally terrified about the idea of paranormal activity. Of course we have all been scared out of our wits or jumped out of our seats while watching a ghost flick, but is there a reality to our fear? Are we truly terrified of the paranormal activity we see in mainstream media for a reason? Many people love the idea of a great horror movie, but would it be so entertaining if we really knew how much paranormal truth can be evident around us?

When it comes to the fear of ghosts and stories of haunting we can go back decades and even centuries to find real life examples. The truth of the matter is that in these modern times, real life ghost sightings and paranormal activity are becoming increasingly abundant. No longer are these situations being limited to old fashioned, creaky and creepy buildings, but there are reports of paranormal activity popping up all over the country. Are our fears simply starting to play tricks on us? Or have the dark and unsettled spirits really begun to interact with us more often?

The best advice you can take on this matter is to not jump to any swift conclusions or you may end up getting yourself worked up over nothing. If you feel a paranormal presence or are hearing unusual sounds, make sure you take a thorough look around your house. Try to find an easy explanation for the noises you hear. If you do not find anything legitimate to explain any changes, then you can confidently go about looking into more serious and efficient measures. Apply common sense to every situation to ensure that you are simply not overreacting to the increased paranormal activity within mass media in today's society.

No easy explanations? Still hearing strange noises late at night or feel an unavoidable presence even after fixing the water pipes and checking for creaks in the floors? Now you can begin to take more drastic measures. First off, try and catch any patterns you can see or find in the paranormal activity. Identify at what exact time you get a feeling of a weird energy or when you hear the noises. It may coincide with certain activities that you are engaging in or certain guests that you have enter the home. If you can determine the source of the problem or the reasoning for it, you will be well on your way to finding the truth and eventually solving the issue.

As with any situation, you should enter this one with an open mind. Of course you may never find solid proof when it comes to the life of the paranormal, but nor will you find solid proof admonishing it. With an open mind you are more capable of dealing with any number of issues that you may run into. At worst, you will be more informed than you were before. You may even have some fun while researching paranormal activity.

What Paranormal Romance Books Have to Offer

Paranormal romance books are books which bring out love stories in a way that can be described as above normal or beyond normal. It is a very interesting going through some of the stories and, if you have gone through several paranormal books of romance, you will definitely find them especially intriguing. There are very many such books and, for those who love the thrill and adventure in the paranormal; you will definitely find them pretty exciting. Paranormal romance books will take you through an interesting journey that is of a beyond life experience. They are set in a back drop of love and affection, making for a perfect read that is bound to affect you in a very positive light. Most of their books will have alluring characters that will certainly draw you to the plot of the story. The romance books have a huge fan base and, this base continues to grow as more and more people seek the solace of the paranormal to provide that much need entertainment.

The following is an example of one of the leading paranormal romance books which will give you not just pleasure but, intrigue and anticipation as the story unfolds. The romance book is called 'full moon fever'. This is a very interesting and exciting tale about a reporter investigating about werewolves for a magazine. The reporter comes face to face with a rogue wolf and, it is up to a guardian called Ray Mcshaw to shelter her from the lurking danger. The tension in the book is bound to leave you yearning for more. The guardian is torn between two things which are to fall in love with the pretty reporter or reveal the true identity of the wolf. You can get some gist from the above overview and, to enter into the world of biting werewolves, you need to get reading. This is one of the highly rated paranormal romance books that you can come across. The book is written by Sabrina Luna who has certainly outdone herself in this book.

There are so many other paranormal romance books which are bound to keep you on your toes as you read. There are people who find certain books scary and this is the essence of the paranormal. The imagination of the author goes wild and, you are bound to partake of all the new and wonderful ideas they present in their books. Thinking about the paranormal will open up your mind and make sure that you look ahead with different forms of imagination. This way, you can be in a position to appreciate the things you do not know and, also open your mind to things you do not even understand. The paranormal world is fictional and, you do not have to believe that the stuff exists. Let the books entertain you as you read from cover to cover. The Internet will provide you with lots of information about the books. You will also see what is on display and choose the best book. You can also visit your local store to see what they have for you.

Religion Versus Paranormal Beliefs

There is no exact connection between religion and <a rel="nofollow" href=> paranormal beliefs </a>. There are people who are religious but don’t believe in things like Bigfoot or UFOs while others believe in many paranormal events but who are not part of any religious tradition. Then, one does not anything to do with the other.

Those people who show obedience to religious traditions may often be eager to renounce any correspondence since paranormal beliefs are often portrayed as less sane and reliable than religious beliefs. In some cases, conservative and other religious believer often regard paranormal beliefs as evil actions of evil forces in the universe and not the sort of thing they would like to believe.

On the other hand, religious and paranormal beliefs share lots of important things in common. Both paranormal and traditional religions are in the same nature which they are not considered as part of the world as a place controlled by sequences of cause and effect between matter and energy. Instead, they believe that the added presence of immaterial forces influences or controls the path of our lives.

By paranormal beliefs, we tend to search for our desire to find logical meaning to some chaotic events that come our way. If we are suddenly aware of a distant event we shouldn’t neglect, it might be credited to psychic powers, clairvoyance, spirits, angels, or God. There seems to be a real scale between what we tend to call “paranormal�? and the ideas in many religious faiths

Paranormal beliefs are more than superstitions and religious beliefs. Since paranormal beliefs are commonly part of an integrated beliefs system about the very nature and substance of the universe whereas superstitions are often isolated ideas at times related to cultural traditions irreligious beliefs. The paranormal beliefs which are integrated to belief system are very similar to religion .they can provide meaning to our lives as well as the events in our lives. They can also provide social structure, and give comfort in difficult times.
However, paranormal beliefs system lacks some of the critical characteristics of religions. They don’t typically engage ritual acts, because it’s unusual for them to make a distinction between the sacred and the sacrilegious. It is also rare for people to base a moral code upon those beliefs. Even though paranormal beliefs means that they are not the same as religion, the strong similarities do suggest that they stem from some of the same needs and desires as religious beliefs.

Research shows that religion and paranormal beliefs are separated phenomena. There are some studies that try to correlate religion to paranormal beliefs but there have been varied results. For an instance, one study concluded that there is a strong chance that belief in the paranormal is a substitute for religious beliefs, and that both religious belief and paranormal belief serve to lower death anxiety. However, some researchers found that paranormal belief was commonly not associated to religiosity. There were some events and specific beliefs such as E.S.P and Astrology had a minor opposite relationship with religiosity, which the study concluded that belief in the paranormal may substitute for traditional religious beliefs.

On the opposite side of the scale, some studies completed in Canada, found that people who chose “none�? as their religious preference were not any more likely to believe in the paranormal than participants who had a religious preference (in this study, only the data from those participants who chose “other religion organization ,�? like “Protestant,�? or “Catholic�? were utilized. Study also found that there was a considerable positive relationship between religious beliefs, which were measured by a 6-question scale asking how much, if any, the participant believed in God, angels and others.

Paranormal beliefs, which were also measured by a separate 6-item scale, asking how much participants believed in ESP, astrology, found that participants who stated that they attend church regularly were slightly less likely to have paranormal beliefs. Constant held of religious belief gives an impression of more significant negative correlations between church attendance and paranormal beliefs.

So, in this case, finding the relationship of religion and paranormal beliefs were an endless journey. But as long as you have faith in the Supreme Being it will not alter the truth that every individual seek for some meaning in their lives regardless if it is under the religious beliefs or paranormal beliefs. Somehow and the other way around religion and paranormal beliefs will meet halfway. They have their own distinct characteristic far different from each other.

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