Saturday, February 20, 2010

Religion Versus Paranormal Beliefs

There is no exact connection between religion and <a rel="nofollow" href=> paranormal beliefs </a>. There are people who are religious but don’t believe in things like Bigfoot or UFOs while others believe in many paranormal events but who are not part of any religious tradition. Then, one does not anything to do with the other.

Those people who show obedience to religious traditions may often be eager to renounce any correspondence since paranormal beliefs are often portrayed as less sane and reliable than religious beliefs. In some cases, conservative and other religious believer often regard paranormal beliefs as evil actions of evil forces in the universe and not the sort of thing they would like to believe.

On the other hand, religious and paranormal beliefs share lots of important things in common. Both paranormal and traditional religions are in the same nature which they are not considered as part of the world as a place controlled by sequences of cause and effect between matter and energy. Instead, they believe that the added presence of immaterial forces influences or controls the path of our lives.

By paranormal beliefs, we tend to search for our desire to find logical meaning to some chaotic events that come our way. If we are suddenly aware of a distant event we shouldn’t neglect, it might be credited to psychic powers, clairvoyance, spirits, angels, or God. There seems to be a real scale between what we tend to call “paranormal�? and the ideas in many religious faiths

Paranormal beliefs are more than superstitions and religious beliefs. Since paranormal beliefs are commonly part of an integrated beliefs system about the very nature and substance of the universe whereas superstitions are often isolated ideas at times related to cultural traditions irreligious beliefs. The paranormal beliefs which are integrated to belief system are very similar to religion .they can provide meaning to our lives as well as the events in our lives. They can also provide social structure, and give comfort in difficult times.
However, paranormal beliefs system lacks some of the critical characteristics of religions. They don’t typically engage ritual acts, because it’s unusual for them to make a distinction between the sacred and the sacrilegious. It is also rare for people to base a moral code upon those beliefs. Even though paranormal beliefs means that they are not the same as religion, the strong similarities do suggest that they stem from some of the same needs and desires as religious beliefs.

Research shows that religion and paranormal beliefs are separated phenomena. There are some studies that try to correlate religion to paranormal beliefs but there have been varied results. For an instance, one study concluded that there is a strong chance that belief in the paranormal is a substitute for religious beliefs, and that both religious belief and paranormal belief serve to lower death anxiety. However, some researchers found that paranormal belief was commonly not associated to religiosity. There were some events and specific beliefs such as E.S.P and Astrology had a minor opposite relationship with religiosity, which the study concluded that belief in the paranormal may substitute for traditional religious beliefs.

On the opposite side of the scale, some studies completed in Canada, found that people who chose “none�? as their religious preference were not any more likely to believe in the paranormal than participants who had a religious preference (in this study, only the data from those participants who chose “other religion organization ,�? like “Protestant,�? or “Catholic�? were utilized. Study also found that there was a considerable positive relationship between religious beliefs, which were measured by a 6-question scale asking how much, if any, the participant believed in God, angels and others.

Paranormal beliefs, which were also measured by a separate 6-item scale, asking how much participants believed in ESP, astrology, found that participants who stated that they attend church regularly were slightly less likely to have paranormal beliefs. Constant held of religious belief gives an impression of more significant negative correlations between church attendance and paranormal beliefs.

So, in this case, finding the relationship of religion and paranormal beliefs were an endless journey. But as long as you have faith in the Supreme Being it will not alter the truth that every individual seek for some meaning in their lives regardless if it is under the religious beliefs or paranormal beliefs. Somehow and the other way around religion and paranormal beliefs will meet halfway. They have their own distinct characteristic far different from each other.

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