Monday, June 14, 2010

Crop Circles?

Okay, who hasn't seen Mel Gibson's movie entitled, "Signs"? Does anyone really believe in crop circles? And just what is a crop circle you ask? Crop circle is a term used to describe patterns created by the flattening of crops such as wheat, barley, canola, rye, corn, linseed and soy. Examples can be found world wide. Various hypotheses have been offered to explain their formation, ranging from the naturalistic to the paranormal.

Amateur scientist, John Rand Capron, described more than 1,800 investigations that was writtena nd reported in the January 2000 issue of the Journal of Meteorology.

Crop circles came into big time prominence in the late 1970s. Many circles began appearing throughout the English countryside particularly. The phenomenon of crop circles became widely known in the late 1980s, after the media started to report crop circles in Hampshire and Wiltshire. To date, approximately 12,000 crop circles have been discovered in sites across the world.

A Dutch graphic designer, by the name of Janosh, recently discovered that many of his computer-generated art had incorporated and depicted many of the principles later discovered in crop circles. He has come to believe that according to the Maya, we will leave the world of the 4th Sun and enter the world of the 5th Sun on December 21, 2012. Guatemalan anthropologist Carlos Barrios also supports the major change from the 4th to the 5th Sun.

This 5th Sun will see a fusion or uniting of both the masculine masculine and feminine energies, and be a transition where there won't be any more confrontations between polarities. If we are to save our planet there must be a moving toward non-duality. There must be a healing of the breach between body-soul, male-female, East-West, Yin-Yang, human-divine, etc.

While I think that we are moving into a new age in and around the year 2012, I certainly have no way of judging some of Janosh's reasoning. Here's why.

Janosh received telepathic messages after the Harmonic Concordance of 2003 (the lunar eclipse around five planets forming the Star of David) from the Arcturians, whom he says are multidimensional beings who live in a dimension parallel to our reality. The Arcturians are benevolent ultraterrestial beings who can converse with our intuitive senses, rather than being physically seen or head.

How do I argue with that? :-)

Edgar Cayce has said in his teachings that Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy. It is the fifth-dimensional civilization that is a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy works as an emotional, mental, and spiritual healer for humanity. It is also an energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth.

How do I argue with that as well?

Once more, one has to suspend their disbelief in order to truly believe. Well, I've done that, but I'm still not there yet. What I do embrace though is that the Mayans knew things about the univrse that we didn't until recently and they probably knew more than we do currently. So, I stay open. There's too much evidence for me that crop circles are not ALL man-made.

Alfred Watkins (1855-1935), a locally well-known and respected Herefordshire businessman, who while looking at a map for features of interest, noticed a straight line that passed over hill tops through various points of interest, all of which were ancient. At the time of his discovery, Watkins had no theory about alignments but on that June afternoon saw (some would say intuitively or supernaturally) a whole pattern of lines stretching across the landscape.

He called these Ley lines, or Leys, which are now known as alignments of ancient sites stretching across the landscape. Ancient sites or holy places may be situated in a straight line ranging from one or two to several miles in length. A ley may be identified simply by an aligned placing of marker sites, or it might be visible on the ground for all or part of its length by the remnants of an old straight track.

The bottom line is that we're living in a world well beyond our fifth and sixth senses. Unless we open ourselves to being teachable (not that we have to buy the ranch) and laying down our pride, which our ego stands guard over, we'll miss much that awaits our discovery. Scientists have affirmed that crop circles have become more subtle and complex in the last decade.

Jonash has written, "Humankind and mother Earth are on the eve of a massive evolution. In 2012, the Age of Aquarius will commence; the Age of Pisces will pass. By expanding our consciousness and becoming more aware, we will review reality in a different way in years to come."

There are many differing dates for the Age of Aquarius (the latest one being 2156), so I am not so sure that I agree with the first part of his quote. I do agree with the second sentence though. An expanding and exponential increase in collective consciousness is on the way and it will change our world!

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