Friday, September 24, 2010

The Dirty Little Secret Skeptics Refuse to Admit About Psychic Readings

In this article I'd like to take a look at some psychic reading secrets that most hardcore skeptics REFUSE to acknowledge. If you are "new" to the world of psychic readings, abilities and powers, you may be surprised to know that there is really a "WAR" going on between believers, and skeptics. And while "war" seems like a pretty heavy word, it is an accurate depiction of what is going on out there in the wild and woolly world of investigation into paranormal and psychic "stuff" across the board.

The Long and Short of it is.......

There are tons of real scientific tests, studies and research being done right now into psychic readings, mediumistic communication from the "other side" and all sorts of other cool stuff. And some of the things being uncovered through this research is nothing short of amazing.

Real psychics, who are doing astonishing work, in laboratory conditions even, and coming up with incredible "hits" that defy any mainstream explanation. Mediums who talk to the "other side" and spirit world coming up with facts, figures and stories SO sensational and inexplicable that there is NO good explanation OTHER than they actually ARE doing what they purport to be doing. (speaking directly to spiritual "beings" who have survived physical death)

Yet....with each amazing advancement in this field, the skeptics come out of the woodwork, deriding, debunking and overall just DENOUNCING each and every "success" as silly

And when famous celebrity mediums like John Edward, George Anderson, and others have been studied by REAL statisticians, and scientists in a controlled scientific study like the ones that took place at the University of Arizona a few years ago, and they scored OFF the charts, the skeptics STILL scurried around to "explain" the amazing readings as fraud, lucky guessing, or a complete conspiracy! (even though these tests were filmed and later made into a documentary for HBO called the "Afterlife Experiments".)

Here is the truth: (and this has been PROVEN over and over again in serious studies by super smart scientists AND skeptics alike)

  1. Psychic abilities are true.
  2. Real mediums exist.
  3. Just about ANYONE can make "contact" with deceased relatives, loved ones or people who have "crossed over" if you truly want to and seek out the proper medium.
  4. Other paranormal abilities have been PROVEN to be true as well. These include remote viewing, ESP, telepathy, OBE experiences, and all sorts of other exotic skill sets that science simply CAN'T explain with our conventional model of how things work.

And remember......before you believe this is "fringe" stuff believed ONLY by wacky and loony new age people......

Think again! Some of the most rigorous investigators of psychic mediums and abilities have been amongst the most intelligent men and women around the globe.

Don't believe me? Just check out Pulitzer Prize winning author Deborah Blum's recent book "Ghost Hunters", where she meticulously details the amazing intellectual GIANTS who studied (and came to believe in the authenticity of) psychic mediums, clairvoyants and intuitive's, and their messages from both THIS world, and the next..:-)

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