If you are into paranormal happenings, you will want to plan your holiday to Florida to start at Tallahassee. The Sunland Hospital is a point of interest for seekers of the unknown. It is said that the patients of the hospital were mistreated and is now haunted by a few. The hospital has been closed for over twenty years. You cannot enter the building, but it is something to see. Another fascinating place is the Old City Cemetery in Tallahassee. A supposes white witch is buried in the cemetery and her gave is the most visited gave there. Her gave faces west instead of east like most.
The two other places you might find interesting when you are planning your holiday to Florida are Florida State University and the University Cawthon Hall Dormitory. Some say that former cadets that were housed there many years ago haunt the University. A woman can be seen walking outside the campus grounds right around midnight. The dormitory seems to house a poltergeist. This place is something to see and hear the unusual stories. Two other places to explore are the Oak Lawn Cemetery and the Lively Building for some adventure.
Paranormal happening are part of Florida and other areas of the world. It does seem that Tallahassee has more than there share of ghosts and haunting. Your holiday to Florida will be exciting to say the least when you plan a vacation seeking haunting places around Florida. After Tallahassee, you can travel to Fort Lauderdale where you can visit the Butterfly World. It is an amazing collection of beautiful and colorful butterflies. Since you are not far from Miami, you can visit the Monkey Jungle Farm. The monkeys run wild and you are the one in a cage so to speak. It is fun to sit and watch for hours.
Holidays to Florida do not have to be about Disney World or Sea World. It can be about adventure and seeing things that are off the beaten track. The one place to spend the entire day is at the Miami Zoo. The animals and exhibits are amazing to watch. Some of the antics of the habitants of the zoo will delight any age. You can enjoy a nice sunny day without worrying about lunch or dinner. The zoo grounds have some very nice eateries where you can have a quick lunch or a sit down lunch.
When you are planning your holiday to Florida, you want to plan a few other places to see or maybe you will want to spend a few days in the sun. The beaches are enjoyable as well as the nightlife. You can visit some excellent nightclubs in Miami, Fort Lauderdale or Tallahassee. The areas are interesting and have live entertainment and some fine restaurants for dining. You are going to enjoy your time in Florida no matter how you plan your trip. You should try to see some of the unusual things Florida has to offer.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Take Your Holiday To Florida And Enjoy The Unusual Side
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Derek Acorah UK Psychic Medium
Born on 27 January 1950, Derek Acorah is a UK psychic medium, most commonly known for his work on the Living TV series Most Haunted. During his long career, he has worked on television, radio and in theatre shows throughout the UK, and the rest of the world. He also offers private psychic readings to his clients.
When Derek was a child, the spirit of his late grandfather visited him and, when he told his grandmother about this psychic experience, she revealed that she was a medium too. Despite Derek's early psychic experiences, he chose to spend his early career as a professional footballer.
Derek enjoyed stints playing for Bill Shankly's Liverpool Football Club, alongside Emlyn Hughes, as well as Wrexham AFC, Glentoran and the Australian team, USC Lion. During this time, Derek married and had one son, Karl, although, despite his success as a footballer, he never lost sight of his psychic abilities.
After the end of his football career in the early 1980s, Derek moved back to his native Liverpool and began to pursue mediumship full-time. Initially, Derek didn't charge for his readings and he soon attracted a substantial local following. However, he soon began charging the small sum of £1 after running into some financial difficulties.
Derek's reputation continued to grow and he became a very popular medium in Merseyside. He built on this success by writing his first book, The Psychic World of Derek Acorah, alongside his then manager John G. Sutton. After the publication of this, John decided to take Derek to the USA where his psychic abilities were deemed powerful enough for him to join the prestigious International Society for Paranormal Research (ISPR).
In 1999, Derek's affiliation with the ISPR led to his first TV appearances, which were in the award-winning documentaries ISPR Investigates Ghosts of England and ISPR Investigates Ghosts Of Belgrave Hall. After this, he appeared on a show called Psychic Livetime on Granada Breeze, before going on to host his own show on the same channel, Predictions with Derek Acorah. Derek's stint on this channel led him to be headhunted by Living TV to star on their Most Haunted programme, which made him a household name.
Since appearing on TV's Most Wanted, Derek has also been featured on a string of other programmes such as The Antiques Ghost Show, Derek Acorah's Ghost Towns, Derek Acorah's Search for Guy Fawkes and Paranormal Egypt. He no longer appears on Most Haunted, but has said that he would like to return as a guest medium in the future.
Derek is renowned for his dramatic and theatrical style of mediumship, which has been parodied a number of times on comedy shows. The most famous example of this is in Marc Wooton's comedy series High Spirits with Shirley Ghostman, although impressionist John Culshaw has also featured a similar parody on his show Dead Ringers.
Now happily married to second wife Gwen, Derek lives near Southport with his two dogs, Jack and Penny, and two cats, Mindy and Toby.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Film Review: the Gravedancers
After a six-year hiatus director Mike Mendez returns behind camera for the horror romp THE GRAVEDANCERS. Having broke every religious taboo with his previous film THE CONVENT, Mendez returns in full form with this entertaining and imaginative film about a group of friend who desecrate three graves in a cemetery and inadvertently wake the dead.
Now, going into this film you can’t concern yourself with the absurdity of the whole premise you just have to go with it. Three school friends get back together after one of them dies. Having not seen each other they all gather at a bar and get drunk while reminiscing over the good old days before heading to the cemetery for one last goodbye. Letting loose they decide to have a little fun by dancing on the graves and desecrating the ground which awakens angry spirits which latch onto each of them.
Upon learning from a group of paranormal investigators that they have until the next full moon to rid themselves of the spirits before the spirits are strong enough to kill them, the three search for a way to exorcise the spirits. What follows is a darkly comic misadventure of the three friends as they are teased by their spirits before the big finale in the paranormal investigators’ home.
The cast is at top form with Dominic Purcell (from the short lived television series JOHN DOE) heading the group that includes Clare Kramer (from television’s BUFFY, THE VAMPIRE SLAYER), Josie Maran, Marcus Thomas, Tcheky Karyo, and Megahn Perry.
The film borders on self parody but like Mendez’ previous film THE CONVENT he knows how to balance the laughs with the screams for an enjoyable ride.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Top 8 Reasons Why the Sixth Sense is the Key to Enlightenment
When you think of the great enlightened masters, they all seem to share many similar traits: Unusually intelligent, charismatic, can do miraculous things, and they all exhibited the use of the Psychic Sense.
The Psychic Sense or Sixth Sense is anything that excels beyond 'basic' sensory.
* So a dog that can always sense when its owner is coming home,
* Waking up in the middle of the night and feeling something is 'strange',
* Or you and a friend laughing about how you were both thinking of Blue Oyster Cult, are all examples of the Sixth Sense in use.
Let me make clear that the Sixth Sense is natural and scientific, not mystical and unexplainable. It's your body's ability to pick up on fine energies, or 'wavelengths', that have yet to be detectable by today's crude electronic instruments -and yet, the body, being a sensitive supercomputer, can.
And because it's a bodily sense, like any muscle or brain tissue, if you don't use it, it will atrophy. While if you use it, it will develop quickly.
So here we go!
1. The Sixth Sense allows you to feel and detect things BEYOND the basic 5 senses.
If you only use the five basic senses for interpreting this world...
* Taste
* Touch
* Smell
* Sound
* Sight
...Everything you can know and understand will remain as basic as everyone else's.
But with the Sixth Sense you can feel and see energy, sense thoughts, anticipate emerging situations, and many, many other things!
Everybody already has this sense naturally; they just have no idea how to use it nor are they aware of its value.
Imagine going your whole life as deaf, then all the sudden being able to hear; any idea what that would be like?
You would now detect a whole new dimension to EVERYTHING! The leaves on trees make a rustling sound, the sounds in the distance tell me what's going on in the next room or miles away - Everything would change!
That's what its like to have an active Psychic Sense; you gain a normally-hidden layer of understanding to everything. It truly is a superior advantage!
And with a little practice the Sixth Sense becomes a natural part of all your senses. Imagine how your world would change with this new ability to observe.
How much faster would you become Enlightened having a new sense?
2. The Sixth Sense allows you to Communicate with 'God'.
Spiritual people of all kinds long for communion with God.
God doesn't have the means of communicating as humans do. But God can communicate through 'Vibration' or Energy. This form of communication is very real and can fulfill those who seek it.
It's called 'learning to listen', and you do it by quieting your mind and paying attention to extremely subtle forms of inner-sensation. This is a skill that takes some refinement to achieve, but is not hard with the right training. Meditation is a great way to learn how to do this.
The key that makes it all possible is the Sixth Sense, because you 'listen' by feeling, which is the basis of the Sixth Sense. Learn to allow your subtle sensory to pick up on these kinds of 'Vibratory Information' and soon you will feel closer to 'The One' than you ever have.
3. The Sixth Sense lifts the veil of How Things Work.
The Sixth Sense is a tremendous Learning Accelerator.
By applying your new sense to techniques that use it, such as OBEs, Psychometry, Assimilation, or Remote Viewing, you suddenly can explore the inner-workings of the 'Matrix' of this dimension.
For example, Psychometry brings you face-to-face with Sixth Sense data, Remote Viewing shows how mobile the mind actually is, and Assimilation offers you the living experience of another thing.
The experiences from such techniques can be very powerful and will force you to reconsider the world you thought you knew - This is the essence of 'Awakening'.
Say there are some scientists racing to calculate a theory for the Big Bang. And let's say, because they are all very smart and are fairly conventional, all use the five basic senses to draw conclusions and thus are able to bring, say, five variables per sense for their calculation.
25 variables to calculate the Big Bang.
Now, let's say you come along, as a scientist also tackling the Big Bang theory. But maybe you wear Birkenstocks and are not so conventional, but you have an active Since Sense and are not afraid to use it.
Since the Sixth Sense is basically a super sensitive tool for gathering more data, you can then bring in another five variables for your calculation, because you are using one more natural sense that the others are not.
You have an advantage: 30 variables to calculate the Big Bang.
Some of the greatest scientists, teachers, and pioneers of our society have been shown to accept and use Sixth Sense data. When you hear, "I was being pulled in this direction" or "the chalk took on a life of its own" it's a good indication of the intuition at work. But actually, it simply shows they are flexible thinkers who are able to use more resources.
4. The Sixth Sense tunes you into your 'Inner Navigator'.
One of the best tools you have for finding what you need in life is the 'little voice inside'. The Navigator is a part of your inner intuition that knows when something is right for you, when its time for a change, and sometimes when you simply need to do something that seems random but is actually very important.
But few people have learned to listen to it. After all, it's hard to; that little voice is so often drowned out by our common thoughts and daily concerns.
However, building up the Sixth Sense gives your Navigator a bullhorn. Before you know it, you'll have a new resource of confidence within yourself.
5. Superior Psychological Development
Enlightenment includes the pursuit of psychological and behavioral refinement. During this pursuit inner issues become evident and thus present the opportunity to handle them. But did you know that the further you peer into the self, the more essential the Sixth Sense becomes?
The state of meditation is the prime period for true self-observation. No other time are the necessary qualities for this observation present. The ability to quiet the mind and peer into your physical mechanisms is essential for identifying 'dead weight'.
Past memories, unresolved injuries, false ideas, bad thought habits, long standing opinions, and limits in perception are some of the items that arise.
Conventional self-study and therapy can be important, but alone does not amount to the level of introspection required for a pupil of enlightenment. The Sixth Sense is absolutely essential in sensing the deep origins of ideas and the micro mechanics of the brain. Learning how to use it in this way will give you superior advantages.
For example, while using your Sixth Sense you can identify the presence of neurotransmitter stimulants or suppressors that routinely maintain behavior. This is important because when you know your thoughts are being controlled, you take back the power to guide your own mind.
Because the Sixth Sense deals with extremely subtle sensations, you are not dealing with thoughts or ideas - they are too crude and slow. The Sixth Sense can assess arrays of sensation all happening within the same moment. Someone practiced can target the item in question and consciously 'zoom in' to follow a path to a result.
6. Condition the Governor
Enlightenment is all about redefining your understanding of things because of new discoveries of personal experience. But as anyone who has attempted this will find, the brain already has a preferred way of seeing things, thank you very much.
This part of the brain that limits what it will allow you to see, feel, know, and redefine is called the 'Governor', named after the device that keeps cars from going over a certain speed.
The Governor's job actually makes a lot of sense: it keeps you from seeing things that it considers 'unnecessary', like the veins in your eyes, and even certain stimulus that could dangerously overload the brain.
The problem is that it also blocks you from seeing energy, it openly doubts your confidence in healing, and it works to convince you that your spiritual pursuits are in vain. Starting to see the dilemma?
This is where the Sixth Sense can help. By working with the Sixth Sense to establish 'paranormal experiences', these accumulated experiences teach the Governor to adapt to an ever-evolving reality.
If you can teach your Governor that the things you are learning are safe and real, paranormal experiences will get easier and progressively enhanced.
7. Physical Health and Bodily Communication.
Want to live longer and healthier? Learn to build a relationship with the cells of your body; they are living organisms too, with needs and desires. Help them and they'll help you.
Think of your body like an economy. An economy needs different things to run: water, energy, stimulus, vegetables, love, and a lot of other things.
So what happens when your body needs something? Actually, it lets you know. But unless you have a way of paying attention, you won't hear, and the economy falters.
Learning to 'listen' starts with basic awareness and spans into the use of the Sixth Sense. The Sixth Sense is a sensitive tool that can detect various subtle needs of the body. That whim you had yesterday for an Orange - did you act on it? Ever wonder where that craving came from? It could have been millions of living cells desiring a missing nutrient.
Now let me ask you something. If you can hear your body's cells using the Sixth Sense, is it possible also to communicate back? Perhaps have them carry out orders? Fight Sickness?
8. The Sixth Sense will preserve your life.
This section actually carries a dual meaning; the other being your spiritual life.
The more enlightened you become, the more you become a beacon of light. As you may know by now, forces resist this emergence.
Because the instinctual desire to live is so powerful, the natural Sixth Sense of the body has no problem peaking when threatened. No different than the deer that becomes skittish.
Additionally, many of the other tools of the Sixth Sense together form a protective net: Knowing the intentions of others, tracing all likely outcomes, the ability to act according to intuition - all tools brought by the Sixth Sense.
On lighter note, sometimes the Sixth Sense helps to preserve your immediate health. Being aware enough to know that that sandwich 'just didn't smell/feel/look right' can be that deep knowingness that animals commonly display when in the same circumstance.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Why is There a Lot of Buzz Over Hellboy Smiley?
Setting out free smileys of entertainment megastar Oprah Winfrey and American Idol superhit, David Cook, or even the boxing champ, Manny Pacquiao in what are now downloadable favorites oprah smiley, david cook smiley and pacquiao smiley, caused some email smiley companies to get the ire of people who scoffed at the idea of smileys “imitating life”. But what is life like if it can use a lot of smileys to clearly express what it wants to convey, and animate it to some degree? Would it not be more “life-like” – more fun, exciting, or even amusing?
Now, here comes Hellboy Smiley. As if on cue, some tongues started to wag again for why hellboy smiley of all designs? Are illustrators running out of ideas, or have been watching too many DVDs lately? Would there be an Angelina Jolie-smiley very soon? That one will surely rock traffic!
Hellboy smiley, inspired by the blockbuster movie, can be very useful in 3 ways:
1.) Send Hellboy Smiley to attract new friends on MySpace; as the original
movie became a box office blockbuster, and the sequel just as powerful.
Surely, there are lots of like-minded people who would want to befriend another Hellboy fan, and your Hellboy smiley just come handy.
2.) By the same reason in number 1, you can paste it on your forum posts or
use it to spice up your blog post, MySpace or Friendster pages, to name a
3.) Simply send a Hellboy-smiley in your email for fun.
Hellboy the movie, and now your Hellboy smiley, re-affirm a famous quote. But first, for those who have not seen the movie at all, here is a short excerpt:
Whoever says demons can't be angels (sometimes) should think again!
At the turn of events during World War II, the story of a demon destined to save humanity began. Hellboy, a lone traveler from Hell dimension crossed the portal opened by the occultist Rasputin and his cohorts. It was Rasputin's intention to open a doorway for the God of destruction; summoning a vile creature called the Ogdru Jahad to annihilate his nation's enemies and declare sovereignty over all human life.
Luckily, Rasputin's plot was discovered earlier by an expert in paranormal activities, Professor Bruttenholm. Through his efforts, Rasputin was prevented from opening the gateway to hell. However before it could happen, a small creature was able to slip through the portal into the world.
Baby demon, Hellboy, became a student and son to Professor Bruttenholm instead of becoming an instrument to accomplish Rasputin's evil plans. And under the professor's guidance, Hellboy became a paranormal investigator and an unlikely hope to humanity.
The story allows imagination to run wild with graphic images of a little devil, with tail and horns just like how people picture devils to be. What creates contrast is how this devil character in the movie was depicted to grow up and become a guardian for humanity. It leaves one to ponder whether a person can change his or her destiny – is a person pre-destined to live out the life he seems to be born with or can he be re-programmed by a parent-figure who has taken the challenge to mold that person into becoming someone else?
The story is certainly “out of this world” but the basic idea behind the saying “Never judge a book by its cover” is fully expounded in the movie. No one would really expect a demon saving the human race from men who wish to destroy it. The image of an angel swooping down and stopping the bad guys is a familiar territory however for this movie, a demon saved the day.
As for Hellboy Smiley, would it not be nice to send it to someone who feels down on his luck, as if saying that regardless of circumstance, he has the power to change his life and make a 360 degree-turnaround for the good life yet to come? Would it not be appropriate to send your friends a Hellboy Smiley, as your subtle way of telling them to keep the faith they have in you as it is just a matter of time and you, too, realize your dream? And for your enemies...oh, just send out a Hellboy Smiley and leave it all up to their imagination to guess what you meant.
Download of Hellboy smiley and other smiley emoticons is fast, easy and more importantly – free. Do yours today.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Fascination With Astrology - How Good
In the 1920's, there was a big sensation in the US. Two sisters had photographed fairies flying around flowers in their garden. It was an unbelievable event. The two gave interviews and talked stuff. It was after more than sixty years that one sister revealed the whole thing was a hoax. The fairies were made of paper. Nonetheless they captured public imagination. It was something different and unbelievable, but was revealed a hoax later. But thousands of paranormal and supernatural things remain the way they are- uncanny and unimaginable. No one has explanations. All the same, people love to know more and indulge in these pursuits.
Very often we have astrologers predicting events. Most people love the opportunity to get one's palm read by an astrologer. Believe the stuff or scoff at it. But the whole idea is fascinating to humans. Many people read the headlines of a newspaper later, but read their horoscope first. Astrologers and fortune tellers may talk in deceptive and ambiguous terms. Knowing the same, people flock to them.
Science and scientists try a lot. They never come up with satisfying explanations to paranormal and psychic stuff. Human beings are a curious lot. Issues with explanations satisfy them. But things with no explanations fascinate them. Take this one. Former US presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy - Kennedy's life was very nearly a copy of Lincoln's. Both became presidents after similar victories. Held office for nearly same number of days. Both were assassinated outside a theater near their car. The name of the killer was the same in both cases. These two incidents happened more than eighty years apart. Science does not have any explanation to this. People are intrigued by such happenings.
Human minds are adventurous. Always in search of thrills. No wonder, why horror movies are so popular. Everyone knows it's all make believe. People still get white with fear inside cinemas and dream of ghosts for next few days. Calling spirits of dead people has become an industry in Britain. You have Gypsy ladies peering in a psychic glass ball and calling spirits of the dead people you want to get in contact with. Forget the common man, British aristocracy has been known to visit them more than anyone else.
Science-fiction -a word that sums up the topic. All the science-fiction novels, movies is make-believe. Nothing is real but every thing's in a proper scientific way. Giant spaceships, alien landings, UFOs kidnapping people all happen in science fiction. Actually there's a group of people in US who claim to have been kidnapped by UFOs. They believe, they have had extra-terrestrial contact. What's true, what's not only time will tell. Now if there were a time machine to travel in the future like in the movies?
Saturday, October 23, 2010
What is E.S.P and How Does it Happen?
Psi is the collective term for various hypothetical mental abilities (called extrasensory perception or E.S.P.), along with other paranormal phenomena.
If you have thought seriously about E.S.P, and developing it, you must know that it is a prerogative of your subconscious mind and for it to develop; your conscious, waking mind should take a backseat.
The common way to initiate this is to relax your mind to the extent of pushing it beyond waking consciousness, so it reaches to a floating, dreamlike state. When this is completed, your subconscious will automatically begin perceiving your suggestions and E.S.P. will set in. Look up audio files on the net which can help you reach this state of mind, the altered state that favours E.S.P.
These are the major types of E.S.P.:-
Telepathy: The ability to read the minds of other people.
Clairvoyance: The ability to "see" events or objects happening somewhere else.
Precognition: Similar to Divination, the ability to see the future.
Retrocognition: The ability to see the distant past.
Mediumship: The ability to channel and connect with dead spirits.
Psychometry: the ability to read information about a person or place by touching a physical object
Telekinesis: the ability to affect the material world with the mind alone is a psi phenomenon too, though not strictly E.SP.
The idea behind E.S.P has been around for centuries, only in different forms. The modern concept began to take shape only recently, the beginning of 20th century onwards. The bottom-line behind this is that the human mind can perceive matters beyond the scope of known bodily senses.
1934 saw the coinage of the term E.S.P by Duke University professor J. B. Rhine, one of the most eminent researchers in the field of paranormal psychology.
The possession of Extra Sensory abilities is a widely debated topic. Some people are of the opinion that everybody possesses them and experiences involuntary moments of manifestation.
Others will say that only a handful of psychics, shamans or mediums are blessed by it. The widely agreed upon belief though, is that all of us have the potential for E.S.P, only some of us are more in tune to our subconscious and hence to our Extra Sensory Perceptions than others are.
Debates also run about how this actually works. One theory says that, like our ordinary senses, ESP is energy moving from one point to another point. This energy is then electromagnetic wave-like in nature, similar to light, radio and X-rays, which have not been physically detected, but are just streams of packets of energy.
Like other other-worldly concepts, even E.S.P has no concrete scientific basis. Believing in it is a bit like believing in God. It needs faith more than facts. But once you begin believing, it can work wonders. The existence and reach of this has been proven the world over time and again and it is truly wonderful once it begins to manifest.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Does a Love Spell Really Work?
Love spells are cast with the intention of providing a paranormal solution to all your love difficulties and evils. There are loads of different love spells for different purposes. There can be simple spells for attracting your lover or intricate ones that involve a lot of convoluted ceremonies, charms and magic spells. People have been using these love spells since ancient times even it is to get back a lost partner or to get the partner of your dreams. These spells increase the magnetism of love and are also effective in rejuvenating your love life. Such love spells differ according to different cultures and their traditions. For an instance, Wicca spells are entirely different than the voodoo spells.
However, the authenticity of these spells is being questioned in the contemporary age and a majority of people are extra cautious in using magic to resolve their love issues. Some consider it unethical since it tries to control the free will of a person through paranormal procedures. It should be realized that when a love spell is used negatively, it might backfire and affect the person casting the spell. There is a whole bunch of love psychics that will help you unite the magic charm so that the energy produced in the process could be used for a specific purpose. It requires a great deal of an effort to control the person through magic for a long time. A point normally comes where the accumulated negative energy hits the caster and results in to something as bad as a divorce or an accident in severe cases.
Let?s understand the working of these spells. These magical love spells are nothing but energy spells that are directed by the means of a love prop or a symbol to bring about the desired change or the desired end result. The basic principle used by these love psychics is that everything in this world is made up of dynamic energy and they can generate more energy by the means of various psychological tools. Such an increase in energy can help you alter the natural course of any particular event. Symbols such as magical notes, planetary signs or natural signs help in invoking certain thoughts and symbolize certain ideas. Therefore, to conclude with, the love spell casting involves mental tools of concentration, detailed visualization and desired projection which could be achieved only through practice.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tantra , the Serpentine Ascent - Part III
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Tantra & Vedanta
The Upanishads deal with the Science of the Absolute and Upanishadic philosophy is called Vedanta.
Veda means knowledge and Anta means end. The end of Knowledge is practical transcendental experience.
In the void of Mind involute
The fleeting Universe rises and floats
And sinks back into the current "I" ( Vivekananda - The Hymn of Samadhi )
While Vedanta focusses on Sat, the Existence aspect of Being, Tantra focusses on Chit, the Knowledge aspect of Being. The whole Universe is the play and display of this mighty Consciousness Force known as Chit Shakti in the Tantras. While Yoga talks about five sheaths or koshas, according to Tantra, life is an unfoldment of the Self through six energy centres called chakras. These six energy centres exist in our subtle physical body. The Serpentine Power known as the Kundalini (which lie coiled as a serpent in humans), can be awakened by Meditation. When awakened, She rises from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra to liberate Man.
When She ( Kundalini ), the miscrocosmic power of the macrocosmic Shakti, rises from from the Root Chakra & reaches the other Chakras, siddhis or paranormal powers maniest. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, distant healing, the ability to see Auras & ultimately Trikala-jnana ( the power to know Past, Present & future ) all manifest in the aspirant. The aspirant should not be intoxicated by these siddhis. If he tries to exhibit the siddhis or paranormal powers, he may not reach the Goal of Life. Instead he should ignore these powers of the mind & continue his Tapas till he is liberated.
Once the Golden Serpent rises, your thinking will change.Your perceptions will change. Then you need not rely on books. Then your mind will become your book. This wonderful phenomenon called the mind is a repository of endless knowledge. Once the Kundalini via the Sushumna rises, we reach a transcendental plane. The main aim of the Yogi is to open the Sushumna.
Tantra is inextricably linked with Veda. Tantra is derived from 2 Sanskrit words Thanu Visthare ( to expand one's Consciousness ) & Thran Rakshane ( to liberate one from darkness ). Veda is derived from the Sanksrit Vid ( to know, particularly one's Self )
What is the use of knowing everything
If one doesn't know the Self ?
Is there any substratum for the Universe? Yajnavalkya, the greatest Seer before Buddha, told Maitreyi that it is the Self, for which all Heavens and Nature yearn ! It is not for wealth's sake that wealth is loved, it is for the sake of the Self. It is not for fame's sake that fame is loved; it is for the sake of the Self! This Self is to be known; this Self is to be comprehended!
Five types of Vid have been identified
Vid Sathayam ( Knowledge of Being, Ontology )
Vid Vicharena ( Knowledge of Thought, Epistemology)
Vid Labhe ( Knowledge of Self-Gain )
Vid Chetnakhyana Nivaseshu ( Knowledge of Consciousness )
Vid Jnane ( Knowedge of the Self )
Science is derived from the Latin "Scire" which means to know. Scientia means knowledge and Science means organised knowledge. So Science and Veda are synonyms. Tantra is that special knowlege which expands and liberates !
Five branches of Tantra have been identified
1) Sasthra _ Ontology and Epistemology - The Science of Being
2) Kriya _ Techniques for the Centrallisation of the Self
3) Yoga _ Includes Pranayama, Asanas and Kundalini Yoga
4) Charcha _ Standardisation of knowledge through conference of Tantra scholars
4) Vijnana _ Experiential Knowledge of the Absolute Self
Sasthra is the mighty Encyclopaedia of the Seers ( Rishies ) who cognised philosophic verities in higher states of Consciousness. They wrote treatises on the subject and 64 Tantras have been identified. It is true that this Tantric knowledge was lost due to the cycles of Time. Now is the time to redeem it !
These are Tantric techniques and the norms to be followed for making Yantras. Also for centrallising the Self.
' One who knows not Pranayama should not do Puja " averrs Tantra. He who has integrated the Tripod of Life, Body, Mind and Self alone should be a Tantric. Priority is given to Yogic techniques and to Kundalini Yoga, techniques to arouse the Serpent Power which lies dormant at the Root Chakra.
To standardise knowledge, to reach an ideological convergence despite the many systems in Tantra and to develop the Science through practical research and intuitive experience, Charcha ( conference amonst Tantrics ) is needed.
Vijnana is Applied Wisdom. The Fire of the Lamp, which is an external symbol, should be integrated with the Fire within ( the Fire of the Absolute Self ). The aspirant begins with the equation that the Knowledge, Known and Knower are different on the dualistic level. Through Tantric processes, Knowledge, Known & the Knower become One ultimately ( Jnathru Jnana Jneya Abheda Bhavanam Sree Chakra Poojanam ) and the non-dualistic level is achieved.
In Yogic Psychology, red is the color of Rajas, White the color of Satva & Blue is the color of Tamas Rajas is humanity, Satva divinity & Tamas, bestiality. These are the triune attributes of Nature which vex the mind perpetually.
More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be
had from http://www.eastrovedica.com/html/yoga.htm
As the bestower of prosperity Thou art as red as Coral
As fair as Luna when Thou grantest Wisdom !
As blue hued when Thou embark on destruction
I take refuge in Thee, O Generatrix of worlds triune !
Tantra is the protecting mother of Astrology. All astrologers are aware of Tantric techniques which remove mortal dross and raise the Serpent Power !
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Enjoying Your Trip to Florida
If you are into paranormal happenings, you will want to sketch your feast to Florida to birth at Tallahassee. The Sunland Hospital is an advantage of pastime for seekers of the strange. It is said that the patients of the sickbay were mistreated and is now ghostly by a few. The infirmary has been congested for over twenty living. You cannot penetrate the edifice, but it is something to see. Another fascinating place is the Old City Cemetery in Tallahassee. A supposes pallid witch is masked in the cemetery and her gave is the most visited gave there. Her gave faces west instead of east like most.
The two other spaces you might find interesting when you forecast your feast to Florida are Florida State University and the University Cawthon Hall Dormitory. Some say the former cadets that were housed there many time ago revisit the University. A woman could be seen walking scarce the campus proof right around midnight. The dormitory seems to house a poltergeist. This placed is something to see and heed the atypical stories. Two other chairs to explore are the Oak Lawn Cemetery and the Lively Building for some adventure.
Paranormal event was part of Florida and other areas of the world. It does seem that Tallahassee has more than their piece of ghosts and recurring. Your feast to Florida will be exciting to say the slightest when you plot a rest seeking lingering chairs around Florida. After Tallahassee, you can move to Fort Lauderdale where you can vacation the Butterfly World. It is an amazing collection of charming and vibrant butterflies. Since you are not far from Miami, you can call the Monkey Jungle Farm. The monkeys run foolish and you are the one in a confine so to address. It is fun to sit and mind for hours.
Holidays to Florida do not have to be about Disney World or Sea World. It could be about adventure and seeing equipment that are off the beaten road. The one place to waste the full day is at the Miami Zoo. The animals and exhibits are amazing to consider. Some of the frolics of the habitants of the zoo will delight any age. You can like a trivial sunny day without worrying about dine or dinner. The zoo basis had some very good eateries where you can have a sprightly dine or a sit down lunch.
When you are planning your holiday to Florida, you want to proposal a few other spaces to see or perhaps you will want to finish a few days in the sun. The beaches are enjoyable as well as the nightlife. You can visit some superb nightclubs in Miami, Fort Lauderdale or Tallahassee. The areas are interesting and have live entertainment and some punish restaurants for dining. You are departing to have your time in Florida no material how you chart your jaunt. You should try to see some of the curious things Florida has to recommend.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Eye Catching Variety in Romance Writing
Romance writing has always been a popular genre of literature. This is because it is a subject that is very close to people's hearts. Romance writing has always been undertaken by people who feel they have a passion for setting the stage and directing the drama all in writing romance. It is a field that has very many players and, the results have been very impressive. Writers have been able to draw an audience from dry readers with their juicy narrations which can only be described as captivating; many writers have achieved this. The bar was set very high by writers who are long gone. Their creative tales of the past romance is covered with an erotic innocence that will not fade away soon. Writers like William Shakespeare were known for their artistic seventh sense as they ventured into the world of fiction and reality combined. There is so much history to look at when it comes to writing. For any writing to progress, it is vital to look at history for the purpose of judging how far we have come. We have come from far and, the good news is that romance gets better with age.
Contemporary romance writing has taken center stage. This is becoming the specialty of all age groups and genders. The diversity has only brought progress to the world of romance fiction. There are writers who have decided to use that historical edge to totally bring out real life characters who are able to make a better impression. Writers like Virginia Henley have done this perfectly. She is known to blend her work and set the romance with a historical theme and influence. If you are the kind of person who enjoys this kind of realism, the romance writing is for you. There are so many categories of subgenres that come with this kind of writing. As I have just mention, historical romance is still very popular in the modern day. We also have the modern or contemporary genres which are becoming more and more dynamic. Erotic romance is another form of writing that mainly focuses of the strong sexual urge between main characters. Many really appreciate this kind of writing because it is considered more practical.
Paranormal romance literature and science fiction romance are other categories of the writing. They literally feature extra ordinary stuff which is all intertwined in a romantic story. In the modern world, people are becoming more and more interested in the paranormal. The twists have definitely brought romance writing to another level. There are very many categories to choose from and, you can be assured of amazing reads. Get to know the kind of writing you are more interested in. This ay, you will be able to cut to the chase and know the kind of story you want to read. For more insight or guidance on reading such writings, you can join a book club. If you do not have time to meet, you can join an online book club which will provide you with the support and guidelines you need to start reading.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Why are We Fascinated With Astrology?
In the 1920's, there was a big sensation in the US. Two sisters had photographed fairies flying around flowers in their garden. It was an unbelievable event. The two gave interviews and talked stuff. It was after more than sixty years that one sister revealed the whole thing was a hoax. The fairies were made of paper. Nonetheless they captured public imagination. It was something different and unbelievable, but was revealed a hoax later.
But thousands of paranormal and supernatural things remain the way they are- uncanny and unimaginable. No one has explanations. All the same, for more details visit to www.profit-pulling-niches.com people love to know more and indulge in these pursuits. Very often we have astrologers predicting events. Most people love the opportunity to get one's palm read by an astrologer.
Believe the stuff or scoff at it. But the whole idea is fascinating to humans. Many people read the headlines of a newspaper later, but read their horoscope first. Astrologers and fortune tellers may talk in deceptive and ambiguous terms. Knowing the same, people flock to them.
Science and scientists try a lot. They never come up with satisfying explanations to paranormal and psychic stuff. Human beings are a curious lot. Issues with explanations satisfy them. But things with no explanations fascinate them. Take this one. Former US presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy - Kennedy's life was very nearly a copy of Lincoln's. Both became presidents after similar victories. Held office for nearly same number of days. Both were assassinated outside a theater near their car. The name of the killer was the same in both cases. These two incidents happened more than eighty years apart. Science does not have any explanation to this. People are intrigued by such happenings.
Human minds are adventurous. Always in search of thrills. No wonder, why horror movies are so popular. Everyone knows its all make believe. People still get white with fear inside cinemas and dream of ghosts for next few days. Calling spirits of dead people has become an industry in Britain. You have Gypsy ladies peering in a psychic glass ball and calling spirits of the dead people you want to get in contact with. Forget the common man; British aristocracy has been known to visit them more than anyone else.
Science-fiction -a word that sums up the topic. All the science-fiction novels, movies are make-believe. Nothing is real but every thing's in a proper scientific way. Giant spaceships, for more details visit to www.tips-getting-healthy.com alien landings, UFOs kidnapping people all happen in science fiction. Actually there's a group of people in US who claim to have been kidnapped by UFOs. They believe, they have had extra-terrestrial contact. What's true, what's not only time will tell.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Vampire Artwork
Vampire artwork consists of several pictures, fantasy prints, poems and stories about this being. The assembly of presently kind of art includes dark art, fantasy art, and paranormal art that is typically related in distinct thrilling experiences of their kind of art. This sort of art can also be linked in on Gothic art.
In the gallery of dark art, television stills, and the vampire in comic books, movies and all types of bats are included. There are also various fearing masks, horror outfits, and many larger amount of thrilling accessories. Children of the dark are also included here.
In the category of paranormal art, there are poems, and short stories based on mysteries. These can be read online. The poems include the work of poets this as Ron Daily, Demon Vampyr Child. The short stories include the go of writers such as Samuel Blackwell and Erin. A broad version of these can be read, ordered and purchased online. Vampire artwork basically parts dark art and would be vastly enjoyed by lovers of thrills, mystery and horror movies.
Important fictitious material involved in Vampire artwork include; images of demons, angels, weird science, insanity and monsters. The ancient museum containing supernatural historical mysterious characters, the cluster of images based on magic, melefic and fantastical surroundings can also be considered as examples of currently sort of art. Ancient posters of UFO's and aliens are furthermore not left out of the present category of art. Numerous collections of this sort of art can be viewed from various Internet sites worldwide.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Why are We Fascinated With Astrology?
In the 1920's, there was a big sensation in the US. Twosisters had photographed fairies flying around flowers in their garden. It was an unbelievable event. The two gave interviews and talked stuff. It was after more than sixty years that one sister revealed the whole thing was a hoax. The fairies were made of paper. Nonetheless they captured public imagination. It was something different and unbelievable, but was revealed a hoax later.
But thousands of paranormal and supernatural things remain the way they are- uncanny and unimaginable. No one has explanations. All the same, people love to know more and indulge in these pursuits. Very often we have astrologers predicting events. Most people love the opportunity to get one's palm read by an astrologer.
Believe the stuff or scoff at it. But the whole idea is fascinating to humans. Many people read the headlines of a newspaper later, but read their horoscope first. Astrologers and fortune tellers may talk in deceptive and ambiguous terms. Knowing the same, people flock to them.
Science and scientists try a lot. They never come up with satisfying explanations to paranormal and psychic stuff. Human beings are a curious lot. Issues with explanations satisfy them. But things with no explanations fascinate them. Take this one. Former US presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy - Kennedy's life was very nearly a copy of Lincoln's. Both became presidents after similar victories. Held office for nearly same number of days. Both were assassinated outside a theater near their car. The name of the killer was the same in both cases. These two incidents happened more than eighty years apart. Science does not have any explanation to this. People are intrigued by such happenings.
Human minds are adventurous. No wonder, why horror movies are so popular.
Everyone knows it's all make believe. People still get white with fear inside cinemas and dream of ghosts for next few days. Calling spirits of dead people has become an industry in Britain. You have Gypsy ladies peering in a psychic glass ball and calling spirits of the dead people you want to get in contact with. Forget the common man, British aristocracy has been known to visit them more than anyone else.
Science-fiction -a word that sums up the topic. All the science-fiction novels, movies is make-believe. Nothing is real but every thing's in a proper scientific way.
Giant spaceships, alien landings, UFOs kidnapping people all happen in science fiction. Actually there's a group of people in US who claim to have been kidnapped by UFOs. They believe, they have had extra-terrestrial contact. What's true, what's not only time will tell.
Now if there were a time machine to travel in the future like in the movies...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Psychic Consultations: a Positive Outlook
Seldom, it's hard to live with uncertainty especially when you expect for sooner outcomes. A simple decision making for a new business or for a new professional career still demands for thorough focus and attention. Also, doubts and pressures cannot be avoided as these are part of the trials associated with successful and well-defined solutions. But each hidden-in-disguise positive details entailed to these roller-coaster-ride for success in business and working career are well-hidden and superficially cognitive for an ordinary person to understand. Thus, a little help from experts becomes the most popular and viable resort.
Psychic that offers advice for a healthy lifestyle and personality development are some of the proven consultation solutions. Not only they can provide a quantity of positive options of success route, but also a variety of procedures to ponder oneself towards the best possible goals. A good businessman, for example, can be advised to make choices as to where and which corporation and type of business he will succeed and how and when he can hit a good start.
The generalized perceptive and divination power of most psychics are indeed reliable for advising open-minded preferences. Their being integrated to all sorts of fields is advantageous as being an all-around expert. Being a professional psychic also indicates their well-molded concepts and principles like a wise and well-experienced veterans. Their rich knowledge about lifestyle, paranormal mysteries and human commonalities and peculiarities further enhanced their intuitive and predicting capabilities.
Sometimes, accuracy of their prediction assumes greater impact to their name as their only valuable virtue. This implies their professionalism and being knowledgeable on the of divination though, most-often-the-not, special psychics are inborn gifts that pondered naturally through years of physical and spiritual growth. Their being popular and having notable skills become the signature of their identity as an spiritual and paranormal expert.
Apart from their fluent perspective on ghost and other supernatural entities, they are also famous for their great devotion and erudition from astrology and numerology. The usage of astrological sign or star signs and number language are one of their known expertise and that add up to their psychic capabilities. In fact, in most cases, astrology and numerology are their bases for positive advising and interpretation of one's future and progress path. Every specific instances of a person's life are believed to have strong connections from the star and planet movements. Therefore, psychics cognition on this discipline is a great advantage whenever providing accurate prediction and inspiration for the client as for love life or career.
So if a person happens to ask for a psychic advice, he is definitely in for a broader branch of knowledge known to man that started from ancient years. The conditional and foretelling approach of their psychic services give most clients their new and constructive approach in living. A good basis for how people cope up with the greater challenge an ordinary man cannot handle, matter-of-factly.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Practicing Psychic Self-Defense - How To Create Your Own Protective Amulet
In today's world, where science and technology dominate, it's hard to accept the reality of mystic and occult ideas, particularly when it comes to things like psychic attacks. Over the past few years, however, curiosity about and interest in things beyond our physical senses has grown. The truth is that other people and entities can attack and drain your psychic and spiritual energy. Just as the world contains good, it contains evil. Powerful positive energies are countered by powerful negative ones.
Negative emotions like anger and envy are powerful. When another person thinks or feels about you in a negative way, that energy can assault you. Feeling intense rage, even unconsciously, they can channel their rage toward you in a paranormal attack. They may not even know they have the ability to direct their psychic energy, yet it happens. Much harm can result from such attacks, and you could be seriously injured. When such emotions are left unchecked, they can become unbelievably powerful and even evil.
Growing interest in paranormal phenomena has led some people to experiment with the occult. Some approach it innocently for fun or out of curiosity. Others take it very seriously and attempt to influence events and people around them. While most people who venture into this territory do it for good reasons like spiritual development, others view it as a way to get their way and manipulate things to their advantage, even at cost to other people.
When a person joins the mystic and occult world for the wrong reasons, disaster can result for them and for their targets. Results can range from simple mischief and tricks to the complete destruction of lives and families. Widely-held doubt and disbelief in mysticism and the occult leads people to ignore or brush off these ventures into the "dark side," leaving the conjurer unchecked, free to practice black arts without fear of consequences. Their targets are unprotected, left wondering what has happened, unable to understand or explain why their lives have gone into such a dramatic downward spiral.
Fortunately, we can protection ourselves against psychic attacks. We are all spiritual beings with powerful inner energy that radiates around us in our aura. For most people, this energy is invisible, but many psychics report having seen the aura. If you think you may be a victim of psychic attack, you can defend yourself by working on your spiritual energy and strengthening your aura to act as a shield against negative energies and influences.
How can we protect ourselves with psychic self-defense?
Developing psychic self-defense isn't hard, though it requires time and effort. The best way to develop a powerful aura is to become a healthier, more positive person. This starts with your body, protecting your physical self with an object you can wear constantly.
Find something you can wear, like a wristwatch or ring. Be sure you truly like the object so that you can channel your positive energies to it. Clean it thoroughly. Then hold it as you sit in a comfortable position. Be sure your back is straight and your feet are together, flat on the floor.
Close your eyes and breathe slowly and evenly to relax. Feel positive energy flowing into you each time you inhale, and feel negative energy flowing out through your feet into the floor each time you exhale. Every time you inhale, feel the positive energy move up your body from your feet to the top of your head.
Imagine white light growing above your head, almost like a halo. This represents your highest self, and it is completely free of anger, fear, and pain. Now, visualize the light enveloping your whole body like a cocoon. Be aware of its growing intensity and know it will protect you from all harm. Now, direct that energy into the object you are holding in your hand. You have just created your own amulet, and it will continue to hold that light and energy as you wear it throughout your days and nights.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Psychic Self-Defense Explained - How To Use Magick And Runes
For understanding the ways to strengthen a person's aura, the nature of psychic attack and magick must be understood.
The pagan art that uses will to cause changes is called magick. The idea wizardry, according to popular literature, is the ability that enables a person to use tolls of magick like rituals and symbols that oppose laws like chemistry and physics. Even though it is an art that is related to magic as in what is used by magicians and conjurers that deceives the eye, it is not same. Magick is the cause for many phenomena like ESP, astral projections and psychic healing, which are weird and cannot be explained. Magick is either white or black; the former causes the happening of something good, while the latter causes the happening of something bad.
Psychic powers that are considered as hogwash by scientists, only because science cannot explain it is considered a paranormal phenomenon and is largely avoided by the scientists. There are many who say that they have developed powers like these by tapping into energy fields of the astral world that have not yet been identified or quantified by modern science. These powers include psychic mediums, healers, detectives and also fortune tellers. Like in tapping into any other form of energy, tapping into astral energy also has to be paid a price.
For people who are familiar with the so called Inner Planes' working, it is known that the psychic effects caused are sent through the subconscious mind for taking effect. Hence, occurrence of psychic attacks will be present if the individual's mind is tuned to negative effects of psychic activity. It also occurs if the mind is open to the attack of the astral world's malicious elements. This can cause very bad effects and if these attacks are not warded off by psychic self defense, the consequences can be even worse.
Psychic self defense can be developed by increasing the strength of the aura as the psychic abilities focus mainly on the mind of an individual. The aura of a person is centered similarly and manifests a glow that encompasses the being of a person and is considered as the reflection of the spiritual state of a person. For strengthening his or her aura, a person must do visualization.
One of the exercises that are suggested is to conjure a threefold white fire flame within the heart that expands and engulfs the body of the conjurer in a globe. No negative thought or imperfections are allowed as it is luminance that is pure and attracts positive forces to itself and thereby the aura and strengthens it. It is a type of magick and is called as warding, while doing which, a sphere of protection or a globe of protection is conjured. People also suggest tapping into earth's blue or white magick so that the energy expended by one's self is less and helps in making a powerful sphere.
The other ways of increasing psychic self defense is usage of runes which are symbols or signs that have uses that are specific. For protection of a person or an object, the Elk rune, known also as the Algiz or Elhaz is used and it wards of negative thoughts and increases peace of mind. A person who has a peaceful mind will have a strong aura as auras reflect the well being of one's minds. For those who aren't initiated, aura and psychic self defense will sound like blather. However, we must admit that not everything can be explained even today. For people who are trained to know about paranormality, psychic elements can affect and influence their well-being. It is for their own well being that they should protect themselves. Even for people who are skeptical about this, positive thinking and strengthening of aura look like it is indeed a reasonable proposition.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Push Review
A X-Men and Heroes cocktail that lasts for an hour and a half and 21 minutes and speaks about a group of people with psychic powers and The Division on trail. The latter is a clandestine US agency that hunts down paranormals for engineering a super-powered army.
That has brought in apparently everything that everybody wants including usual genre thrills, fresh twists and a lightning-fast pace. There’s also present an increasingly economic use of exposition that keeps you on the qui vive. Despite the gaping holes in the plot that do not reveal initially, you’ll like it, for you understand it’s difficult keeping up with all the intricacies in the narrative.
But Push also has its moments. Beyond the characters blessed or cursed with extrasensory abilities, Push rewards the patience with some highly bona fide and inventive plotting that weaves around Nick (a Mover or possessor of telekinetic powers), his father’s murderers The Division and his self-exiled life in Hong Kong (now a gritty melting pot of dusty tenements, ramshackle markets and incomplete skyscrapers) where Cassie (a Watcher i.e. clairvoyant) brings up Nick’s trouble and leads him towards his destiny. But now comes the difference: Nick, the protagonist is not a messiah in spite of all his powers. He knows using them but not very proficiently. That makes him solve problems by moving objects rather than by devising perplexing, diabolic acts or plans.
An unconventional cerebral approach definitely deserves a credit and it goes to this seemingly action sci-fi. It does Push the genre boundary, but paranormal parameters must confine only the gaming world.
Overall, a teen stuff that’s fun to watch despite director Paul McGuigan’s bedeviling flashback usages.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Denver Haunted Houses - Finding Best Haunted Houses, Denver
If you are looking for haunted houses, Denver style, then you can get reviews as well as first hand experiences of the Denver haunted houses by going online. Here you can get reviews of the best haunted houses in the area. Many of them are open for Halloween, while others are open all year round. You can even join a social network of people just like you who enjoy haunted houses, Denver.
One of the Denver haunted houses that you may want to look at is the 13th Door. This is one of the haunted houses you will not want to miss if you like haunted houses and are visiting Denver. Asylum is yet another of the haunted houses, Denver that is well worth your visit.
Some of the Denver haunted houses are haunted sites, such as McConnells Greenhouse and Haunted Field of Screams. Many of these haunted sites are open all year long, not just around Halloween. You can take a tour of the haunted sites when you visit Denver.
Most places across the country have sites that are said to be haunted. Many of them have been verified by experts in this field of having an unworldly presence. If you are looking for true haunted houses, Denver has many sites that have seen paranormal activity. Whether you are going for fun or to truly explore a haunted house, then you can find what you are looking for in Denver, Colorado.
You can also discuss movies when you visit a site online that is devoted to haunted houses, Denver. If you like to be frightened, then you will enjoy a site where you can not only learn all about the Denver haunted houses, but also talk about the houses with others. You can join the social network where you can discuss the haunts and paranormal with friends. You can also read journals and blogs of those who have visited truly haunted houses, Denver and have come back alive to tell the tale!
You can take a tour if you are interested in exploring haunted sites in Denver. Limo tours as well as bus tours are available. There are even walking tours. Once you join a site that has everything you need to know about Denver haunted houses online, you will be able to find all the information you could possibly need to enjoy yourself in Denver during your visit.
If you are planning for a Halloween tour of the haunted houses in this area, you should book as early as possible. While people enjoy haunted houses all year long, Halloween is a time when everything tends to book up as this time is when most people flock to haunted houses and tours. Once you find out what you are looking for by way of haunted houses and what you want to do when you are in Denver looking for haunts, make your plans. You can use a site to get discounts on tours, look at photos, read blogs and reviews about haunted houses and also to link to the site where you can get your discounts on a haunted tour.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Denver Haunted Houses - Finding Haunted Houses In Denver
If you are looking for haunted houses in Denver, there is no better way to do so than by going on the internet. Here you can find listings of Denver haunted houses that are for all age groups and occasions. You can find the perfect haunted houses for you to visit whether you are looking for Halloween haunted houses or those that are rumored to be haunted. In some cases you can get tours and in others you can go through the houses yourself. You can take a look at all of the haunted houses that are available in the area.
In addition to finding the Denver haunted houses, you can also find blogs from those who have visited these houses and also like to write about paranormal and other things that may interest you. You can find a site that will include all types of haunted houses in Denver, some of which may be fun for kids and others may be more appropriate for adults. You can also read reviews on the houses from others to see if it will be scary enough for you.
There are other haunted sites that you can visit when you are visiting Denver. These sites include haunted mines, tunnels and fields. Many of them are set up for Halloween while others operate all year round. By going online and checking them out, you can find out which will be more suitable for you.
If you are looking for a way to seek out the paranormal in Denver, or if you just want to have some fun around Halloween, you can find out exactly what you are looking for when you go online. You can read reviews, blogs and find out other information when you go online to a site that displays listings of all of the haunted houses in Denver.
Another thing that you may enjoy is a social network of others who also like haunted houses in Denver. You can interact with others who share your enthusiasm for finding haunted houses and exploring them. This is a great way to get in touch with people who share your own interests.
If you like tours, you can also get them when you go online. You can find limo tours that you can take privately with a group of friends or guided tours that will take you walking through haunted areas. There are also bus tours that you can take as well.
You can have a ball if you like to be scared when you visit Denver haunted houses. In order to find out which are the best haunted houses in Denver for you, be sure to take a look online and find what you are looking for. If you are looking for reviews for the different haunted sites in Denver, if you want to know which sites are the scariest and when they are open, the best way to do so is to go to a portal that depicts all things haunted in the city of Denver, Colorado.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Haunted Houses, Denver - The Best Haunted Houses In Denver
If you want to have a scary good time when in Denver, one way to do so is to look for haunted houses, Denver. Denver is filled with haunted houses that are ideal for just about everyone. Whether you are planning a haunted tour or just want to have some fun exploring haunted houses that are around for Halloween, you can do so by visiting an online site that features all of the best Haunted houses in Denver.
Denver has many haunted sites, haunted houses and tours. No matter what your style, you are sure to find it when you look for haunted houses, Denver. If you like houses that have recorded instances of paranormal activity and ghosts, then this will be right up your alley. You can find a portal online that will not only direct you to all of the houses in the area but also give you reviews of those haunted houses, Denver.
It is not hard to find haunted houses in Denver. Just about any city has haunted sites as well as Halloween haunted houses. It can be difficult to find all of them together, however. It is a good idea to find a portal online that will be able to direct you to the tours, houses and other sites that will let you have fun in your pursuit of the haunts.
In some cases, you may wish to take a tour of the haunted houses in Denver. You can do this by taking a walking tour, a bus tour or even rent a limo for a private party haunted tour. What better way to have a fun time than by exploring the haunted areas in the city of Denver, Colorado? If you like to be scared, this is the way to do it. You can have quite a bit of fun and may even be able to see a ghost.
Everyone has different ideas of what they want when it comes to haunted houses in Denver. Some people prefer to take tours past haunts in the area that are said to have had ghosts. Some people like the atmosphere of haunted houses, haunted mines and other areas that are made for Halloween enjoyment. No matter what your taste, you can find it when you go to an online site that has haunted house lists.
You can also find other information when you visit these sites. You can also find reviews of the haunted houses in Denver by those who have visited them. These reviews include those of tours and other places that are said to be haunted. There are also blogs that you can read so you can learn first hand experience of what it is like to explore haunted houses in the Denver area. Blogs are a good way to get a good idea of what to expect when you visit these haunts.
Social networks are a good way to interact with others who have interests in haunted houses, Denver. You can find a site that will lead you to these social networks where you can meet others who share your interest of the paranormal. If you are looking just for some Halloween fun, you can find the haunted houses that are created just for this time of the year. These are usually set up for this time of the year and are fun for all. Go online to get a list and you will find out all of the haunted houses that you want.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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A medium communicates with a personality that endures beyond death.
Can anyone become a Medium?
All of us are part of the same spirit therefore we all have within the divine potential for service of communication with souls that cross over to the other side. Yet from knowledge mediums have a certain make-up in order for the gifts to be unfolded & developed to the point where the spirit world can utilize them to there greatest potential. We all have this ability yet may not have chosen in this life-time to work in this form, so therefore this is where you would have heard the term, ‘mediums are born & not created’.
What are Evidential Medium-ship sittings?
Evidential sittings are where the medium will communicate with a past loved one who will bring forth evidence of the existence of the after life.
Mental Medium-ship
What are Psychic Clairvoyant Medium-ship Sittings?
Psychic Clairvoyant Mediumship Sittings are where a medium will use all the below abilities to help bring guidance from the world of spirit.
Clairsentience (feeling)
Clairsentience is a form of extra sensory perception where a medium acquires knowledge by means of feeling. It is an ability that can be obtained at advanced meditation levels. Clairsentience, empath & sensitive is a reference to a person who can feel the vibration of other people or the people in the spirit world. There are many different degrees of clairsentience ranging from the perception of diseases through sensing of others or the person we are communicating with in the world of spirit. To thoughts or emotions of other people again also relating to the souls that have passed over. Slightly different from Clairvoyance but you get a very vivid feeling that can form into an image or picture. Psychometry can also be related to clairsentience, which is a form of picking up psychic energy through feelings of a past event.
Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing)
Clairvoyance (from 17th century French with clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning " vision") is used for the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses Visions may also be in the future, future and some times in the past. a form of extra sensorty persception. A Medium will the ability is know to have the ability of clear seeing. The process of clairvoyance involves attuning to the waves or vibrations of the universe & becoming part of it. When a medium attunes themselves into this light trance of the waves of energy vibration, they see the visions and senses the situations humans do when they tune into a radio or TV station. A medium will then read and interpret them with the help of there clairsentience & clairaudiance.
Clairaudience (hearing)
Clairaudience is essentially the ability to hear in a paranormal manner, as opposed to paranormal seeing (clairvoyance) and feeling (clairsentience). Clairaudient people have psi-mediated hearing. Clairaudience may refer not to actual perception of sound, but may instead indicate impressions of the "inner mental ear" similar to the way many people think words without having auditory impressions this is a form of telepathy. But it may also refer to actual perception of sounds such as voices, tones, or noises which are not apparent to other humans or to recording equipment.
Clairalience (smelling)
Also known as Clairescence. Clairalience clairalienc is clear smelling which is a form of extra sensory perception wherein a person acquires knowledge by means of smelling.
Claircognizance (knowing)
Claircognizance is a clear knowing & is a form of extra sensory perception of intrinsic knowledge without physical explaination why you know it.
What is an aura reading?
An aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation that surrounds a person or object Each color of the aura has a precise meaning, indicating the emotional state & mental state of a person. A complete description of the Aura and its colors can be provided with the form of objective clairvoyance.
What is Trance Communication?Trance medium-ship is where a companion/guide/mentor/teacher/guardian angel whichever term you wish to use will link with the medium very closely & come into the auric field. The medium will lift vibrations & the companion will lower vibrations. This creates an attunement activating a link mind to mind. You may also experience a past loved one who will with the assistance of the companions also use the voice box of the medium to bring forth love & guidance.
Mental Medium-ship.
What are Trance Communication Sittings?
Teaching from the spirit world offering words of wisdom to life’s questions.
What is Physical Medium-ship?
A Physical Medium is a medium that will go into a state of trance, whereby the group circle of spiritual companions in the spirit world that work alongside the medium will link into the mediums aura & mind to create physical phenomena through an abundance of etheric energy that surrounds the mediums physical body. It is objective by nature & everyone is able to see or hear. Certain elements of etheric matter should be present within the etheric vehicle of the medium to be able to produce physical phenomena.

What are Physical Medium-ship Demonstrations?
Very rare in mediums today but a form of ectoplasm is used for movement of objects, direct voice, transfiguration or full materialization.
Also other forms of physical medium-ship are raps & taps.
Physical Medium-ship
Sunday, October 3, 2010
A X-Men and Heroes cocktail that lasts for an hour and a half and 21 minutes and speaks about a group of people with psychic powers and The Division on trail. The latter is a clandestine US agency that hunts down paranormals for engineering a super-powered army.
Watch Next Day Air 2009 Online Free
That has brought in apparently everything that everybody wants including usual genre thrills, fresh twists and a lightning-fast pace. There's also present an increasingly economic use of exposition that keeps you on the qui vive. Despite the gaping holes in the plot that do not reveal initially, you'll like it, for you understand it's difficult keeping up with all the intricacies in the narrative.
But Push also has its moments. Beyond the characters blessed or cursed with extrasensory abilities, Push rewards the patience with some highly bona fide and inventive plotting that weaves around Nick (a Mover or possessor of telekinetic powers), his father's murderers The Division and his self-exiled life in Hong Kong (now a gritty melting pot of dusty tenements, ramshackle markets and incomplete skyscrapers) where Cassie (a Watcher i.e. clairvoyant) brings up Nick's trouble and leads him towards his destiny. But now comes the difference: Nick, the protagonist is not a messiah in spite of all his powers. He knows using them but not very proficiently. That makes him solve problems by moving objects rather than by devising perplexing, diabolic acts or plans.
Watch Next Day Air 2009 Online Free
An unconventional cerebral approach definitely deserves a credit and it goes to this seemingly action sci-fi. It does Push the genre boundary, but paranormal parameters must confine only the gaming world.
Overall a teen stuff that's fun to watch despite director Paul McGuigan's bedeviling flashback usages.
Watch Next Day Air 2009 Online Free
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Psychic Reading- The art to know about your life!
If you’re experiencing domestic problems lately, and you want to attract harmony back into your family life, consult an expert psychic and draw in the much needed positive energy into your home. You may not know it, but most domestic troubles have deeper sources and much complex reasons. This is why many families are not able to level out their individual differences at an early time, in order to prevent any issues from getting out of hand. By concerning yourself with Psychic reading, you’ll be able to learn more about what’s going around yourself.
Psychic reading is the art of for-tellers and seers carried on since the ancient times. Psychics is known as " The World of Spirit" as it retains numerous psychic readings like paranormal, mystic, clairvoyant, tarot card readings, love psychics, love psychic spells, online psychics, astrology, palm psychics and divinatory psychic readings, etc. Those who have self-control and self-ability do have extreme-paranormal-psychics as they have had gone through difficult times while observing the type of spirits beyond space and time including giants, good spirits, bad spirits, etc.
The psychic reading has its long history and fortune-telling from the ancient times. Scientists believe that astrology was the earliest symbol for psychic readings that had emerged into the predictions of extraterrestrial bodies. Astrology was considered as the fortune-telling by considering various celestial objects like the stars, moon, sun and time etc. These celestial bodies were divinatory functions for the primeval psychics.
Tarot is a reputed device used for fortune-telling. Tarot can be used to study archetypical symbols. Archetypes are symbols that all humans have in our minds from the time of birth. Personal tarot readings will help you to understand what is going on in your life. Tarot is a way to get the powerful advice, predictions and insights you expect from a reading. Tarot readings have existed for many years all over the world. Try tarot reading to get a handle on any situation, uncover underlying issues, know your future or change your destiny.
Online psychic reading has emerged as the most prolific psychic readings these days. There are plenty of benefits of the online psychic readings which are discussed as under. The world of spirit is the art suitable for those who are mystic, clairvoyant and spiritual devoid of any kind of wrong-act because psychics have had to be limited in circle.
The biggest advantage of the online psychic reading is the timely information which can be perceived quickly. There are a lot of users for online psychic learning. Most of them are victims of their society and culture. So, they consult with the latest and best links of the Internet-Psychics immediately and get interacted with them so that people may be able to discuss their societal, cultural, economic and psychological matters with the online psychic readers and find a cure and spiritual healing.
Psychic reading emerges as the real psychic healing especially for those who are caught up with black and ghostly magic spells and who are involved in different psychic disorders like hallucination, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, etc.
Friday, October 1, 2010
In the Tunnel of Death, the Labyrinth of Life
Synopsis of the screenplay “In the Tunnel of Death, the Labyrinth of Life�? by Elisabetta Errani Emaldi
Premonition of a meeting and telepathic contacts with a passionate young man who is afraid of his past life. When destiny leads us toward an experience
that will help our inner growth.
This story begins on a night in December 1989, just one year before meeting Gabriele; that night I dream of a guitar sound with a strong pain which wake me up in the middle of the darkness. I try to understand the meaning of this dream for almost a week, but unsuccessfully. One year later, I come back from the Caribbean Sea, after having worked on a ship. My friend Viola starts nagging me with her request to go to dance together. When I tell her I need relax, stay by myself writing or painting or taking care of my garden, she blames me for rooting in my “hermitage�?; behaving this way I will never meet interesting people.
After her insistence, I decide to go out and dance to the “Stork Club�? in Milano Marittima. On Monday, during the first week of December 1990, I wake up at 9:30 a.m.. The rays of the sun are filtering through the shutters of the balcony; while I turn my back to them I see confused images in my mind, then I close my eyes and relax. The dream reappears, just like at the touch of a magic wand. Here I am, entering a church where I know that somebody is waiting for me. One old man points to the Pope, I realize He wants to tell me something. I get closer, slowly, astonished and surprised to have the honour to be received by the Pope. I kneel down on a pew, a few steps from the altar, facing Him, who is kindly smiling; then He raises his right hand and says:
“I must advise you that there is a young man who will make a vow in order to marry you!�? Astonished I reply with a smile: “I hope he will ask me too�? – After a pause, the Pope with a serious expression says: “Remember, you are going to live paranormal experiences!�?
Four days later Viola and me go to dance to the Stork Club and I meet Gabriele. He is there because one of his friends obliged him to go out in order to have fun; four days ago his girlfriend left him and he is very sad. His face shows his pain. While I stare at him struck by his suffering, he tells me that he spent four days and nights without sleeping but playing his guitar and thinking about his girlfriend. At the same time, he astonishes me assuring that he has just forgotten her thanks to our meeting. I tell him he cannot make fun of me, but he asks me to believe him. He is amazed for what it is happening but I attract him so much! From that moment on, there is a love story full of passion and overwhelming feelings. But he has terrible secrets, and I have a lot of presages. I live paranormal experiences, especially telepathy. I feel all his fear and pain, striking me just like storm. But it is his sexuality and his passion that involve me. Thanks to dreams I realise he was a bad boy, and he confesses me he took drugs. On Christmas night he tells me he made a vow in order to marry me. He is afraid I leave him and he doesn’t want to tell me that his previous girlfriend died because of H.I.V., but I already knew this bad news from my dreams. I try to help him: he smokes and drinks too much. But the strong sexual attraction doesn’t permit that. So I leave him.
At the very beginning of January 1991, during the night, after having left Gabriele, a guitar sound with a strong pain wakes me up. I remember the dream I had one year ago, now it is true. Gabriele was playing his guitar and his pain was so strong that I could feel it through a kind of telepathy. Now I want to be sure of that.
Four days later I go to the Stork Club where I meet Gabriele again; I ask him what happened when we left, he tells me he went home, he was so upset that he played his guitar thinking about me all night long. His dog Plutarco was at his feet. Behaving in that way, he sent me through telepathy all his pain accompanied by the sound of his guitar.