Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How does a true professional 'Exorcist' react to skeptics and debunkers ?

Q. What do you as a professional Exorcist think about Skeptics and Debunkers?

A.     Firstly, I’d like to make it clear that in my line of work, I also need to be a Skeptic, or should I say, be objective in my approach. There are many people passing themselves off as experts, and there are also many who make fraudulent claims for ‘fun’.  I take my work extremely seriously and have no time or desire to go off on tangents or be led down paths wasting time. And in the case of people who honestly make mistakes about what they’ve experienced or whose problems are not Spirit caused, I have no interest in telling them that their problems are something that they are not. My interest is in the truth, and giving people the help that they need, be it through Spiritual means or otherwise.

Now, myself aside,  there IS a real need for Debunkers to exist because as I said, not only are there  many people passing themselves off as ‘Exorcists’ and experts in the field,  but there is an incredible amount of ‘garbage’ out there being passed off as ‘Psychic Healing’, ‘Paranormal activity’, ‘ Religious healing’ etc.  It is always a good day when some of this ‘stuff’ get’s properly ‘debunked’ , and disappears .

Unfortunately though, there is an even greater amount of garbage passing itself off as ‘debunking’. The largest problem is that most active Skeptics are extremely narrow minded amateurs who are usually driven by their own negative experience that they wish to purge via a crusade to 'prove' that these things don't exist, therefore no matter how much evidence they are provided with, their own fuzzy logic invariably refuses to accept it as such. For what it's worth, the same can be said for many Medical professionals. These people are more embarrassing than those they are trying to debunk.

Many calling themselves ‘Scientists’ have the catch-cry “There is no proof�? and approach the subject with a completely biased and closed mind . Well, there is plenty of proof , provided by Science, as well as the general public and people in the field that is equal or greater in quality than that in many other fields.  A real Scientist would say “show me what you have�? ,and view it with an open perspective.

For what it’s worth, I have had a fair share of ‘Skeptics’ and ‘Scientists’ amongst my clients over the years and in each and every case their viewpoint changed as they were faced with the reality of what they were experiencing and enlisted my help.

Another important consideration as to whether the Paranormal exists or not, is the fact that not only do many Police Departments around the World enlist the help of skilled Psychics to help with investigations, but the extremely well documented Paranormal research and Psychically based espionage programs sponsored by the US Department of Defense, The former USSR, China, The UK, and so on , to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.

The bottom line is that peoples own inner fears will ultimately guide their feelings on this subject. If someone chooses to not believe in these things that is their free choice, but if they wish to fancy themselves as a 'Debunker', they should do so in a sensible and professional manner with an analytical and open perspective and be willing to accept evidence when it is presented to them.

I myself am here not to judge, but to help those who know what they may be facing and have nowhere to turn.



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